New Guy Here


Active Member
Sep 7, 2012
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Hey all, just thought I would drop in and say hi. I don't own a C-Body but, I do have a B-Body. I have been lurking for a few weeks because even though we have the B-Body I am a fan of C-Bodies. I guess if someone offered me enough cash for the B-Body and could get oh say a 74-78 2dr New Yorker cheap enough I would be really tempted. The B-Body I have has a very mild 318 and my main issue is getting this transmission to work right and this will be the 3rd time the transmission has been out of the car. So, if it's not done right this time I don't know I may jump ship for several reasons.

I'll probably be done with it since this shop deals only in Mopar Transmissions. Anyways, even though my wife don't care for them I like a lot of different C-Bodies and I think the only way I would own one is with a big block and comfy seats lol. I could put a big block in a B-Body but, my problems are I have manual steering, 4 wheel drum brakes, and manual brakes. Well, I'll be hanging around here for mainly education. In the past I've also owned an 71 Challenger and a 89/90 Dakota Convertibles and a 79 LRE which was the most comfortable vehicle to drive.
Welcome aboard. Plenty of nice formals are available.

...and also apparently boat loads of 69' Chrysler 300 verts sitting out there waiting to be had...and all 300s are big blocks,lol.
I used to own A/B and E-body cars....restored a few too. But once I owned my first C-body I realised what I had been issing. I proptly sold off allmy other cars and have been a C-body lover ever since. SELL YOU B-BODY....DO IT!! :)
Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
Thanks guys. We'll see how it plays out with the B-Body and it's rebuilt transmission issues. If it doesn't work I will take it as a sign and try to move on.

But hopefully it will work since I have some money into it already. I kind of settled for second best when I got it. Now, I would just like to have a decent running big block and power steering. The B-Body has a mild small block and manual steering. Manual brakes too.
Hey Commando I appreciate the offer but my clutch knee is messed up. I like my car but because of some shoulder/neck issues I am thinking something with power steering and brakes.
Yeah that would be nice as well. I wish I would have jumped at the opportunity a few years ago to trade a guy in PA for his 67 300 that was already converted to R134 and rust free. The car was sold and went overseas. I think it sold for $6500?