New to me 78 NYB, in the driveway, because of my wife.


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Detroit 'burbs
Sorry, I couldn't resist the title parity... basically because it's true, and the irony of being a yet another 78 NYB Salon.

You see, I had my wife join a C-body FB website because I'm not a FB'er, probably because I had something to sell, or whatever. So one night she's scrolling through her feed and says "ohhh, look at this car... can we go see it?" So I said "Are you nuts? We need another car like a hole in the head!"

The truth was, I'd seen the car on CL, I think somebody even posted it here. It was fairly local... a rural area about 60 miles north of us. Yes it intrigued me, but I ignored it because I was trying to concentrate of getting rid of cars, not adding to the fleet. But when your own wife turns toward you in bed one night and holds up a picture of a sexy C-body, what can you do? She really does like to help me work on cars, and has better mechanical ability than most men I know (which sadly isn't a high bar circa 2018). Her dad was of the mindset to hand down his old luxury cars on the idea "bigger is safer" I suppose. So her first car was a Lincoln Town Car, and she seems to measure everything against that. Thank God it wasn't some shitbox ricemobile. She drives the wheels off that T-top Magnum. She loves to watch people freak out when she drives the Mexican Ramcharger and has taught our daughter to imitate its insanely loud exhaust. She's also a great mom, a great cook and is a pretty as a '66 300, '69 Imperial and '78 NYB rolled into one... with a dash of '77 Cordoba.

So I agreed to call the owner, hoping he'd be some kind of jerky-nutcase, but he actually seemed pretty cool. Damn.

I set a time to go see it, even met my dad for breakfast and handed-off our daughter since a 3 y/o isn't helpful when examining a 40 y/o car. The owner called during breakfast and said he couldn't get the car to start. That story is here:

Learn from my Chrysler Electronic Ignition System troubleshooting

Of course I knew that could work in our favor regarding price. The car was parked on dirt, under a bunch of pine trees. :(

The good news, I suppose, was that it hadn't been there long. What I DID notice was this car had no rust, touched-up original paint and everything seemed to defy the idea of 106k miles. The windows and lock function like new. The 8 track works (albeit distorted). The tape stripes are original, as evidenced by the die-cut ends, rather than overlapped edges.

It will need paint and some other forms of TLC, but you guys tell me if this looks like a hi-miles car?

Another post with more pics to follow...





(I just realized I didn't take any of the passenger side because it was way too bright looking west) it's more/less the same condition.

Michigan had the best bicentennial plate (which they kept until '78).

All driveways should look like this. Well, perhaps without the $500 box truck.



And similar color to Javier’s NYB too.. funny how things come about huh..

P.S.. Carmine!! Can I get your wife to talk to mine!! I dream of the day that my wife says “Honey can we go look at this car“.. only in my Wet dreams.. :mad::BangHead: a nice New Yorker! Last year for the full sized, luxury hardtop.
Surely, you and your family will enjoy.
You're nuts - not quite as much as me yet though. Keep up the good work. :lol:

That wheels option on your car is definitely "killer" - one of the best designs they ever came up with IMO.

Do the wipers work?
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That's a New Yorker with the Salon package, only available in 1978. The 78 New Yorker had several unique features, and the Salon had even more. The Salon features included:
-The leather wrapped steering wheel,
-Unique wheel covers, with reflective trim,
-Factory applied base coat/clear coat silver paint, which was new then (every other New Yorker had enamel),
-JR78x15 whitewalls with a wider white stripe,
-A vinyl roof, with a unique grain, and
-The Imperial LeBaron rear window.

That's a rare car.