No more myths!

furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
I gotta say I'm sad to learn that myth busters is ending! I haven't been an absolute follower , off and on sorta . Still bummed:(
I will miss the show too. They are my heroes. They made a living blowing things up. Whats not to love about that?
No kidn! Can't say I blame them, working together that long. I wasn't "religious " about watching but they had some pretty cool episodes!
when you are as smart as those two, you just butt heads just the way it is.
I found them annoying , I need to believe that my stomach will explode if I eat Pop Rocks and drink Coca Cola. I cant have these guys making me second guessing myself
Goodbye :(

Yea..... I'm not big on redheads( I was raised my one) but that in one could eat the krackers! One of my favorite nerds!
Shouldn't have doubted ya!! I gotta say she doesn't look to have much of a figure in that pic. Although she's only been gone a couple seasons...... Not bad for a red head!
i think ypu owe me a Apologie.:D lol