For Sale Not Mine - 1969 Dodge Monaco 500

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Dean-o madone.jpg

Nice car otherwise
Somebody with a flair for Exner era touches took some inappropriate liberties with that car, otherwise, a pretty interesting find.
Well that's $11300 U.S. dollars then suspect they would come down to $9-10K U.S. So check on shipping and look at the numbers. Looks like silver interior????
The Exner toilet seat on the trunk is a real turn on. That would probably get someone laughed right out of a car show.

I believe that's Platnum interior, that's worth having to take the hood ornament and fake spare off the trunk.
I guess there will never be instances where people don,t do stupid things to cars.Hydraulics,22 inch wheels,horrible interior redoes.Ok,this is one area where i,m really conservative.Just leave the car stock.Ok? Minor things are fine.But the rear deckled sits high so that fake tire looks like a wart on the trunk.Hood ornament?Really?????The rocker trim is all the ornament you need and it is stunning,and it,s all there! Very hard to replace.Great car otherwise.B.B
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