Not mine 69 Plymouth station wagon title For sale on eBay

I didn’t think it was legal to sell old titles. I have a bunch of them from cars I’ve parted over the decades. Hum....never though about framing some of them for wall art
It might be legal to purchase an old title for a vehicle prior to the time when an actual VIN existed, rather than using the motor number "to define the vehicle". Sometime in the middle 1950s and make-variable (as this change didn't happen all at once, as I recall).

Not sure where the sellers accumulated all of the titles they were selling, but it seemed to be somewhat common at the larger swap meets in the 1970s and 1980s.

For vehicles purchased without titles, are most now registered with a "bill of sale"?

Old titles, like old stock certificates, might make some interesting wall paper. Not unlike what I considered Chrysler stock in the earlier 1980s, when it was something like $2.00/share.

Just some thoughts,
I didn’t think it was legal to sell old titles. I have a bunch of them from cars I’ve parted over the decades. Hum....never though about framing some of them for wall art
it's a loophole. they can be sold as "historical" documents or collectibles.