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Dec 10, 2012
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Commando, I forgot you waz from Bean Town. To jog your gray matter, Very near the junction of 95 and 495 theirz ah Shell Truck stop(or used to be) That had ah Hillbilly Bar with live entertainment on site. I have way fond memoriez of spending what seams like ah whole week there one weekend while waiting tah load a 28' fishing scowl in Portsmouth, N.H. for delivery down near Paulsboro, N.J on the intercoastal. Tell me you know 'bout that TS and Bar so we can laugh silently, Jer
Wow you mean there is stuff beyond the Hudson river. Who knew?
Now that I'm older I have no desire to go past the Delaware water gap.
Didjah know that theirz 307 milez in your state on !-80 and another 307 in Iowa on that I-80 route too. Theirz another whole world out there Dave. Nobody sayz you have to cross the GW at the end of the GAP, JUST GO AROUND IT. Who knew that I'd find such ah Kick A$$ Red Neck Hillbilly Bar in north east Massachusetts. The bar tender even turned me on to ah Lobster joint within spitting distance where they served the whole critter for an astronomical $8, lol. Man, I had tah get back out there and chase that white line jes tah rest up.
Are you thinking of Mike's Truck Stop in Wrentham, Mass at Rt. 1 and I-495, one exit up from 95 and 495?

Didjah know that theirz 307 milez in your state on !-80 and another 307 in Iowa on that I-80 route too. Theirz another whole world out there Dave. Nobody sayz you have to cross the GW at the end of the GAP, JUST GO AROUND IT. Who knew that I'd find such ah Kick A$$ Red Neck Hillbilly Bar in north east Massachusetts. The bar tender even turned me on to ah Lobster joint within spitting distance where they served the whole critter for an astronomical $8, lol. Man, I had tah get back out there and chase that white line jes tah rest up.

Yeah I should have put the pokey stick one on there. Yes I have been up that way last time I was in Maine in August I had to turn the damn heater valves back on at night.
Memory tellz me it was at the Amesbury exit either 54 or 55 Pal. You're in the rite neighborhood tho'. All I remember for sure iz that it waz not much of a truck stop but it waz for sure a Shell Diesel and Gas Stop with maybe ah dozen motel rooms off to one side, separate fuel desk and restaurant in one building and separate wild west honky tonk boot scootin' s**t kickin' Lovely lovely place to spend time when a D.D. waz not an issue or required