Could be something staying on or a defective component in the electrical system. I would try disconnecting the Positive (+) battery cable and connecting a 12 volt test light between it and the (+) Positive terminal of the battery. Then make sure all lights and accessories are turned off and the doors are closed. If the test light is lit, even dimly, remove one fuse at a time from the fuse box until the light goes out. You may be able to find the drain this way, unless it's in a circuit that isn't fused.
I've had problems with a non-Mopar, where the transistor in the VR fails and allows the battery to drain through the alternator's field windings while the car is parked. The alternator and it's wiring harness were warm to the touch even though the engine hadn't been running. That may be something worth checking for. I'm not sure if Mopar charging systems can fail that way or not, but if they can, it would certainly show up as an amperage drain at the battery.
You may also be able to use a Multimeter set on "Amps" function for this test, but unless it can handle at least 20 amps you may fry it.
I hope this helps.