Pedal cars

C Body Bob

Old Man with a Hat
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Youngsville, NC
So a guy local to me has a bunch of old metal pedal cars for sale. He’s willing to sell them pretty cheap if all are bought at once. $500 for 8. Two are metal tractors. They look rough but mostly all there. How hard is it to find parts to restore these & can any money be made.
So a guy local to me has a bunch of old metal pedal cars for sale. He’s willing to sell them pretty cheap if all are bought at once. $500 for 8. Two are metal tractors. They look rough but mostly all there. How hard is it to find parts to restore these & can any money be made.
You of all people should know that we can’t put a value on those without some pics.:lol::poke:
It depends on the cars. Some are $$ and some aren't. Chain drives are worth more etc. Gartons are worth more than Murray, originals over restored etc. Repops have been out long enough to end up in that condition too, and I'll bet they are worthless.

I also think that they appeal to a small audience too, but you never know. At $500 for 8, that figures that each car is worth ~$55. There may be a jewel in the bunch that trumps the rest or they might be all scrap. Unless you know the make/model on each, it's probably not a great deal.

2013 price guide, but I'll bet the prices are lower now.

Pedal Car Values
I just learned a little about the pedal tractors. They tend to be more money for the older unrestored tractors, and certain models. Kind of expected. But dating the tractor can be tricky. I have my original JD mod 520 pedal tractor made by the ERTL company, and parts are still available for these. Little differences seem to mean relatively big bucks with these things. Basically metal and rubber parts (steering wheel, seat, tires) mean an older tractor and more money, but plastic parts started being used in the 70s from what I've read.
My old pedal car, 1957 Garton Hot Rod, with my boys. Picture taken almost 30 years ago. Still have the car.

My pedal tractor, built not too many years before that picture was taken ^ :poke:


I've got to replace a bent wheel for my little boy to ride soon. I hauled a lot of crap in that little cart. I'm sure he'll do the same.