Pi$$ed after Mopar show...


Senior Member
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
British Columbia
Well I went down to the local Mopar Unlimted car show today. Finally getting a bit of cloud and drizzle after months of no precipitation! So turn out was not as high as I would have expected.

Anyway was wandering around looking at cars, and I spot a beat up, primered old 69 Charger out on the side of the road. I go look at this car and I'm sure it's my old 69 Charger I sold 20 years ago! It is a lot worse shape body condition wise then when I sold it, but still it is most likely my old car. So needless to say i was a bit excited.

I went back to the wagon, wrote up a friendly note stating that I might have owned this car, and if they would like to discuss the history of the car I would be more then willing. I go back to the car and I slip the just past the window seal on the drivers side glass...then some guy starts yelling at me. I look across the road and this guy is screaming at me to "Take the note off the car!" He's is pretty irate. I figure he thinks it's another clown wanting to buy the car....so I move closer to him across the street and ask if he owns the car? He continues to yell at me to remove the note...I tell him I'm not harassing him about buying the car. He continues to yell at me about not "touching" his car. I tell him to settle down and that I just wanted talk about the car because I think I might have owned it many years ago. He continues to yell at me to remove the note because he doesn't touch my car so I shouldn't touch his....I finally finally just threw up my hands and say to him "What ever buddy, you need to just chill out!" grabbed my note and left.

I guess this guy is way too full of himself to get so upset over a simple note being left on his car. A total friggin A-hole in my books. Kind of ruined my day. :(
Car shows are full of those guys. No matter the brand.There some nice people out there though. In 1984 I needed some cash, so I went to a chevy swap meet while living in Phoenix, with a 396 Intake. All the way there I was brain storming how to sell my 68' Charger, as I found a nice 68' with A/C. So I parked in front of the student center in Mesa where the show was, and started walking with the intake. Two minutes go by, and the loud speaker booms: "Whoever parked the Charger, move it!" I ran back, and a guy was standing there writing a note. He wanted to buy my car! I told him how much, and Boom! sold. I told him to come to my house in an hour, as I had to switch wheels. the price did not Include the Road wheels. He came over, and saw the other Charger I went and bought. He about pooped! So Chevy shows are good for something, and nice guys do write and accept notes. and, I had cold factory A/C!
There are mostly good people at car shows and it's best to focus on that. We just came back from Carlisle and 99.9% of the people we dealt with were really nice. There's always one or two people that are jerks, but you get that everywhere.

The fortunate thing is guys that like that usually stop coming around after a year or two. They get bored with it all and go find some other hobby and continue to be jerks and then wonder why no one likes them. They hate their miserable lives... hate where they live... hate where they work... and want to make everyone else just as miserable.
I discovered the original blueprints to a historic house in my town.
When I brought them to the current owner, they said, You keep them. Why would we want them?

Grrrrrrrrrrr. I hate humanity.
Personally I'd be over the top excited if someone was to approach me, or my car, stating that they used to own it, or had more history on the vehicle. Even if it was just a single story about the car, I'd listen intently, and respectfully.

My friend went to the super market a few weeks ago early in the AM....he took his 63 Impala. He said as soon as he parked the car all the grey hairs started flocking to the car. He said he spent 10-15 min talking, and listening to storied form these older gentlemen. He said the best story was one old guy who piped up and said, "I drove one of those when it was almost brand new, I stole it and drove from Montreal to Winnipeg!" :D

Now where are you going to hear a story and statement like that, unless your willing to stop and listen.
I should add, at that time times were tough. it was hot, my kids were little, and it was hard transporting them when it was 110 in the shade. The owner of the A/C charger was a catholic priest. I told him I was an alter Boy, back in the 60's. He asked what I could pay, so I told him what I got for the other charger, and he said He would take that. I don't preach religion to anyone, but this was definitely someone watching out for us.
From there things started to look up.LoL
I should add, at that time times were tough. it was hot, my kids were little, and it was hard transporting them when it was 110 in the shade. The owner of the A/C charger was a catholic priest. I told him I was an alter Boy, back in the 60's. He asked what I could pay, so I told him what I got for the other charger, and he said He would take that. I don't preach religion to anyone, but this was definitely someone watching out for us.
From there things started to look up.LoL
I'm surprised he took Currency, You could as well of given him some boys boxers for payment lol too soon?
I discovered the original blueprints to a historic house in my town.
When I brought them to the current owner, they said, You keep them. Why would we want them?

Grrrrrrrrrrr. I hate humanity.

I don't want offend anyone especially you Tim you are a good guy but not everyone is going to like my Material and that's fine. I Try to make light out of Dark situations.
Nah, your a good man.
I see your posts regularly, I am not politically correct, and I am hard to offend. Go forward we go, hey I have been able to really offend my sister for the last 40 years, and if you knew her,, God help you! HA HA HA
Well I went down to the local Mopar Unlimted car show today. Finally getting a bit of cloud and drizzle after months of no precipitation! So turn out was not as high as I would have expected.

Anyway was wandering around looking at cars, and I spot a beat up, primered old 69 Charger out on the side of the road. I go look at this car and I'm sure it's my old 69 Charger I sold 20 years ago! It is a lot worse shape body condition wise then when I sold it, but still it is most likely my old car. So needless to say i was a bit excited.

I went back to the wagon, wrote up a friendly note stating that I might have owned this car, and if they would like to discuss the history of the car I would be more then willing. I go back to the car and I slip the just past the window seal on the drivers side glass...then some guy starts yelling at me. I look across the road and this guy is screaming at me to "Take the note off the car!" He's is pretty irate. I figure he thinks it's another clown wanting to buy the car....so I move closer to him across the street and ask if he owns the car? He continues to yell at me to remove the note...I tell him I'm not harassing him about buying the car. He continues to yell at me about not "touching" his car. I tell him to settle down and that I just wanted talk about the car because I think I might have owned it many years ago. He continues to yell at me to remove the note because he doesn't touch my car so I shouldn't touch his....I finally finally just threw up my hands and say to him "What ever buddy, you need to just chill out!" grabbed my note and left.

I guess this guy is way too full of himself to get so upset over a simple note being left on his car. A total friggin A-hole in my books. Kind of ruined my day. :(
Real sorry for you man that's what happens when you try to be sociable,the effin *******
I would have turned back as i was walking away and said "just a heads up i owned that car at one time, i was the one who put that charger body on the chrysler windsor k member. Just wanted to find out if you were ever able to get that twist out of it". Have a nice day.
I had to get in on this. Should have left the note and walked away and if he started any s&%t, let him explain to the police why he is such an *******. They would have probably loaded his sorry *** into the squad car and hauled him away. No excuse for this kind of behavior. Sorry it happened to you.