Pitman arm - how is it named in parts manuals, was it the same from '6x to '73?


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FCBO Gold Member
Aug 21, 2022
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Ontario, Canada
I'm looking through various years of the parts manuals and I could totally be missing it but I don't see the term "pitman arm" being used.

I do see "Steering Link Gear Arm". Is that the pitman arm? They don't show the arm itself in the exploded diagrams of the steering gear.

Is it the case for C-bodies from '6x to '73 that this is the same part? I see some indication that maybe '71 - '73 is different than pre-71 ?

Would Chrysler have changed the part number across various years even if the part is exactly the same (physically) ?

And this is for power steering, which I sort of see is different than manual steering.
Pitman Arm is on the bottom of the steering gear's output shaft. Idler arm is on the other side of the linkage, on the passenger side of the vehicle. It slides onto the splined output shaft of the gear.

I suspect that 1966 - 1973 would be the model range. Chrysler usually part-numbered their parts by the first model year of use (a 300000-series number would be 1970, a 200000-series number would be a 1960 decade part.) A change of vendor or slight product change would generate a new part number.

Sometimes, OEMs had their own designation for a part, which might or might not coincide with what the common name might be. Once you learn those cross-overs, all is good. Sometimes, using the OEM parts manual's illustrations will make these things very apparent.

" C " Bodies ( NOT IMPERIAL s ) utilize ONLY two ( 2 ) PITMAN ARM s......

1965 - 1970 with Manual Steering is one PITMAN ARM.......

1965 - 1973 with Power Steering is the far more popular PITMAN ARM ......

1971 - 1973 Models Only Received Power Steering......
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I'm looking through various years of the parts manuals and I could totally be missing it but I don't see the term "pitman arm" being used.

I do see "Steering Link Gear Arm". Is that the pitman arm? They don't show the arm itself in the exploded diagrams of the steering gear.

Is it the case for C-bodies from '6x to '73 that this is the same part? I see some indication that maybe '71 - '73 is different than pre-71 ?

Would Chrysler have changed the part number across various years even if the part is exactly the same (physically) ?

And this is for power steering, which I sort of see is different than manual steering.
Chrysler calls the Pitman arm: Steering Arm.
Torque at power steering gear is 175 foot pounds, 1970-1973
Torque at center link is 40 foot pounds, 1970-1973
The Pitman arm is so names because in order to replace it you have to get into the pit, man!

The OTHER way to do it is to look in the Illustrations and find the desired part. Then note the group number that goes with the part. Then find that group number in the parts listings and see what the OEM-Official term for it is.

Chrysler seemed to be a bit more engineering-descriptive in their part names, in "Chrysler-speak". Once I understood that, it made sense.

ANY swing arm which attaches to the output side of the steering gear is a "Pitman arm", with the "Idler Arm" being on the other end of the "drag link", "relay rod", part of the side-to-side steering linkage.

Just some observations,