NOT MINE Ppfftt Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2019
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Not mine obviously but you gotta be kiddin me! Is this for real?! I think it's bogus

I think this is becoming a trend. I've seen several meme's now that have pictures like this and they have migrated into the for sale sections in facebook and other social websites.
Not for real. But, I bet he would sell it to you if you wanted it that bad.
I made a comment about a similar one on Facebook, I mean a total POS. I said, "This is a joke, yes?" I got lit up by the poster's friends, telling me what a big Mopar man he was and how he has nice stuff. When I pointed out that the pile of rust was not a car they began berating me as one of those lo-baller guys.... I have a hard time believing these guys are real, but I think they are.
Yea FaceBitch is a strange place, I got 3 friends, I could'a had a fourth but I think I'm well beyond this stage in life LOL.


How does that even happen??

Not sure about your state, but here in Colorado, in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and I have seen it in Texas. Cars get put down on the curves of creeks and dry rivers. When we get rain and the banks swell, these old cars protect areas from washing out.
I've helped my buddy harvest a model A out of a pile that had been in the creek since the 50's. Some good parts came off that shell. I have also found a mustang. No mopars worth digging up yet though.
Around here cars in the river were put there for one reason, disposal. Usually of evidence, mostly stolen.

They pulled a late '90s Acura NSX out a few months ago that had been "missing" for about 10 years. Word on the street was that a dealer paid too much for it and couldn't sell it after the '08 crash. Then it was mysteriously stolen with no trace. Now it's being investigated as insurance fraud. I'll try to find the picture of the car after it was pulled out. It has no significant parts theft or wreck damage. Looks like someone got out and let her roll down the ramp.