Slab Side Slacker
For 2 long years the fresh built 360 poly has been sitting waiting patiently for me to get everything else done. Finally the day is approaching where I will hear it run, maybe even this coming weekend since I have 4 days off.
The oil system should be primed which is something I've never seen done except for a chevy youtube. Would any of you experienced small block mopar hands have the play by play on removing the distributor and using a drill and a rod to turn the oil pump? The right rod to use? Oil pressure to expect? Other tips?
The oil system should be primed which is something I've never seen done except for a chevy youtube. Would any of you experienced small block mopar hands have the play by play on removing the distributor and using a drill and a rod to turn the oil pump? The right rod to use? Oil pressure to expect? Other tips?