Question on Edlebrock AVS2 carburetor


Apr 3, 2023
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Does anyone have experience with the Edlebrock AVS2? I'm currently running a Holley 4175 spread bore on a 1975 New Yorker 440 engine. Watched "Project Marsha " on Youtube and fellow claims "immediate results " when he switched to Edlebrock AVS2. Trouble is I need a spread bore and I looked for the Edlebrock 1904 (which I think was spread bore) but could not find one on E-Bay. Was the 1904 discontinued? The AVS2 is a square bore, right? So it would need an adaptor plate for the manifold. Does any one have experience with the AVS2 and does it give "immediate results" and are you satisfied? Thanks Paul
I recently put a remanufactured AVS2 on the 440 in my 1968 Plymouth Suburban and am very happy with it. I haven't changed any of the settings and it starts great and runs strong. Has a bit of a hesitation off idle when cold but I’m sure a little time tuning would sort that out, just hasn't been enough of an issue to spend the time on. Seems to get a bit better mileage than any of the AFBs I ran on it before.

It is a square bore carb.
I recently put a remanufactured AVS2 on the 440 in my 1968 Plymouth Suburban and am very happy with it. I haven't changed any of the settings and it starts great and runs strong. Has a bit of a hesitation off idle when cold but I’m sure a little time tuning would sort that out, just hasn't been enough of an issue to spend the time on. Seems to get a bit better mileage than any of the AFBs I ran on it before.

It is a square bore carb.
Snake; did you have to use a square to spread bore adapter plate for the manifold? Paul
I have done several of these spread bore to square bore AVS2 swaps now and the results are very good. They usually run good right out of the box with a little tuning. The linkage setups are te hardest part IMHO. Last one I did was on a 76 NYB 400 with the tquad. Runs like a rabbit now. You will need the adapter and the linkage bracket to complete the swap.
I have done several of these spread bore to square bore AVS2 swaps now and the results are very good. They usually run good right out of the box with a little tuning. The linkage setups are te hardest part IMHO. Last one I did was on a 76 NYB 400 with the tquad. Runs like a rabbit now. You will need the adapter and the linkage bracket to complete the swap.
Doba; do you happen to have the part numbers for the adapter and the linkage bracket that I need? Paul
Doba; do you happen to have the part numbers for the adapter and the linkage bracket that I need? Paul
The Edelbrock numbers are:

Squarebore to Spreadbore adapter #2696
Throttle Linkage Bracket #1481
Snake; did you have to use a square to spread bore adapter plate for the manifold? Paul
I have an aftermarket intake on mine so didn't need an adapter plate. I did use the throttle lever adapter which fit up nicely.
Find a good early Thermoquad, rebuild it, and put that back on-all problems solved! If you use an adapter-there are 2 different ones. One for a Quadrajet and one for a Thermoquad. Get the right one or you could have a vacuum leak in the rear.
I did not use any adapter when putting a 4160 onto an aftermarket spreadbore/squarebore intake. The stock OEM-level heat insulator base gasket (the thick one) sealed that rear area (mentioned) very well for years. Ended up being a better seal than the softer gasket in the kit, too. I was skeptical, but it worked well for me. Your judgment call, though.

After I cracked the baseplate on my '70 383 4bbl with one of the Mr. Gasket heat insulator gasket packs, I said "NEVER AGAIN" and have been using the OEM-style base gaskets with the bushings in the mounting stud holes.

The one 4175 I bought was OEM-emissions certified (for a non-Mopar) and it worked better than the 4160 it replaced. Still has the Holley issue of the accel pump at the bottom of the float bowl, which can be a "fuel leak" when the pump diaphram seeps.

I DO like the AVS2, but it will need power for the electric choke.

Does anyone have experience with the Edlebrock AVS2? I'm currently running a Holley 4175 spread bore on a 1975 New Yorker 440 engine. Watched "Project Marsha " on Youtube and fellow claims "immediate results " when he switched to Edlebrock AVS2. Trouble is I need a spread bore and I looked for the Edlebrock 1904 (which I think was spread bore) but could not find one on E-Bay. Was the 1904 discontinued? The AVS2 is a square bore, right? So it would need an adaptor plate for the manifold. Does any one have experience with the AVS2 and does it give "immediate results" and are you satisfied? Thanks Paul
AVS2 650 has worked awesome on my 68 h-code 383 in my Sport Fury. Couldn't ask for a better carb in my opinion. Purchased it brand new in early 2020. The original AVS from 68 had vacuum leak issues around throttle shaft.