
C Body Bob

Old Man with a Hat
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Youngsville, NC
Well it's official. 8 straight days of rain & 2 more in the forecast. It's mostly been a steady light to medium drizzle. Every once in a while it will rain fairly hard for a bit. Mother Nature enough already. Makes for good sleeping. That's about all I can find good to say.
We had a beautiful dry summer. Aside from July 4th weekend it hadn't rained here July August and much of September. . Beautiful blue skies every weekend. We need the rain, but a week straight is tough to take
Yep, it's getting kinda old. Driving is tough. Turn the wipers on. Turn the wipers off. Turn the wiper on. You get the idea
I have been carrying a bottle of RainX in my truck for 4 years now, still haven't put it on.
It isn't so much the rain that gets me. It's 40° out today. My garage isn't heated. I'm going to be out working anyway this afternoon. I've got nice powder coated backing plates to put on the front along with wheel cylinders, brake hose and then move to the back and do parking brake cables, wheel cylinders, fuel lines and a gas tank. How much I'll get done is yet to be seen.

I guess I'll be wearing a sweat shirt today. In someways this is better than sweating my butt off.
I've done things just as bad. The thing with Rainx is that you don't think about it till it rains.

I have a set of front and rear shocks on the shelf in my garage. They were bought several years ago for an 2003 Corolla that was my daily driver. I totalled it last December when I had a sudden meeting with a deer. Now I have an 06 Corolla let's see if they ever get on it.
I went to my local Advance Autoparts store yesterday to pick up a few things & the guy working there told me they where sold out of the popular sizes of windshield wipers
Well it's official. 8 straight days of rain & 2 more in the forecast. It's mostly been a steady light to medium drizzle. Every once in a while it will rain fairly hard for a bit.

And you have a problem with this? I'm getting ready to start my 4th year of drought, you should be counting your blessings instead! Some people just don't know what they got till it's gone.
And you have a problem with this? I'm getting ready to start my 4th year of drought, you should be counting your blessings instead! Some people just don't know what they got till it's gone.

Yes I do. I paint cars for a living as a mobile touch up guy. I can't do that in this weather. So yes I have a problem with 8 straight days of rain!!!!!
Rain??????????????? Should it bother me that I've noticed webz starting to grow 'tween my toez the last couple weekz? Took my shoez 'n sockz off last nite and my wife looked at my bare feet, started laughing hysterically and said you ain't sleepin' in this bed MALLARD