Rant ON... National Anthem...


This book is most appropriate for today's road conditions in Chicago...

driving for jagoffs.JPG
I feel the problem with racism is that it never gets talked about in a open and honest discussion. Anytime someone says or does something that gets deemed Rascist, they get shunned and forced to apologize. They never get asked. "Why don't you like this certain race of people?" we keep oppressing this problem, and it still has not gone away ( Go figure).

I'd love to see an honest discussion on this subject. And yet it's a taboo like no other I can think of. If someone with an opposing view chimes in, it's just to drop something vulgar (RFA's) or haughty and dismissive (baskets of deplorables comes to mind).

I already stated the issues aren't DNA... if that were the case, you not only wouldn't see the standout "5%" (or whatever percentage) the Ben Carsons, Colin Powells, Condoleezza Rices, Clarence Thomas', etc., but the invisible (to the media) black middle class that thrives under the boot of the 63 million so-called RFA's that our disappeared friend referred to earlier.

Unfortunately the issue is cultural. A thesis could probably be written about why this cultural degeneration has affected the black population worse than others (and make no mistake, it most certainly affects all cultures) so I won't attempt it here. But it's probably enough to know it's driven by greed for a money and power.

I would define this as the destruction of traditional families, emphasis on materialism, emphasis on peer acceptance, ridicule of intelligence. Black popular culture has become an even more corrosive version of dysfunctional white popular culture.

Martin Luther King (although no saint) was at least onto something involving the black middle class in the fight for desegregation. Maybe that was a cause for concern among powerful people who aren't particularly interested in race, but money and power? Again, something else for the thesis. You can certainly see the dramatic shift in black culture in the years following his assassination. And let's not forget the effects of LBj's great society and his evolved thinking on the subject...

"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years."

Bill Cosby raised the destruction of the black family unit, the destructive and pervasive popular culture and the need for individual responsibility at a 2004 NAACP speech. Not long after, he was accused of sexual assaults dating back decades. Is this the new version of an assassination that doesn't leave any martyrs? Again, something for the thesis.

Pound Cake speech - Wikipedia

So question, of ye accusers of racism, with little knowledge of history r sought in your own free time: do these sound like the words (of which I could go on much further) of a RFA? Or are they perhaps the thoughts of a man who has spent time pondering and seriously discussing racism among his friends? Yet at the same time, I can fully embrace the policies of President Trump because the are not contradictory.
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I was deployed to Germany during the 1970's, almost all of the 1980's and the early 1990's. I was there when the wall came down. I can tell you that the German people appreciated U.S. Troops being there for many reasons. First most, to stabilize Europe and prevent WW III. The American dollar wields a lot of power there too. GI's spending a shitload of money in their economy and the thousands and thousands of jobs that the American military generated. The one thing that stood out the most while I was deployed was how much friendlier the German people were to us the closer we were deployed to the Iron Curtain. I was also deployed to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iraq. Those people don't appreciate ANYTHING we do except when they have their hand out for free money, food, equipment, troops, Etc. I don't have any love for those countries or their people. F them!
And let's not forget the effects of LBj's great society and his evolved thinking on the subject...

"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years."

Yeah .... LBJ was a real champ! :rofl:
From what I've read over the years, he was hands down the most foul mouthed president in U.S. history! Problem was, back then and even till Trump got in, is what happened in the Whitehouse stayed in the Whitehouse. Not now though, these asshats stoop to new lows everyday to get everything and anything published wherever they can to diminish Trump. The left's hero JFK and his whole dysfunctional family should have been runoff, but everything about them was hush hush. Johnny, Bobby and Teddy were complete pervs and would screw anything with with a pulse given the chance.
Where's the "me to" crowd crowing about them!
Yeah .... LBJ was a real champ! :rofl:
From what I've read over the years, he was hands down the most foul mouthed president in U.S. history! Problem was, back then and even till Trump got in, is what happened in the Whitehouse stayed in the Whitehouse. Not now though, these asshats stoop to new lows everyday to get everything and anything published wherever they can to diminish Trump. The left's hero JFK and his whole dysfunctional family should have been runoff, but everything about them was hush hush. Johnny, Bobby and Teddy were complete pervs and would screw anything with with a pulse given the chance.
Where's the "me to" crowd crowing about them!

I feel the problem with racism is that it never gets talked about in a open and honest discussion. Anytime someone says or does something that gets deemed Rascist, they get shunned and forced to apologize. They never get asked. "Why don't you like this certain race of people?" we keep oppressing this problem, and it still has not gone away ( Go figure)
Growing up in Pennsylvania, i heard racist comments almost daily and still hear them pretty frequently, just how it is. I was always told "It's how they act, Not the color of their skin" What i don't understand is how people can just dislike one certain race of Humans. I see Assholes in ALL races, Genders and even children for that matter. Why make it so biased? I judge off a persons Character, not skin tone.

Interesting thoughts that I concur with. They take me back to the 80s when this subject was still present with little real progress after some 30+ years........... Its just the way it is...................

I wonder whether most of the folks on this site would rather our country be much more like Japan. As far as I know, they don't allow immigration (just try to become a citizen) and they aren't accepting refugees from the middle east, either and they seem to have their biases (I say this based on meeting with Japanese manufacturers on technology matters for some 30 years). But they are always outwardly polite and hospitable. They place strong tarriffs on products imported into their country to ensure that citizens solidly support Japanese products and they are very competitive. They also stress education and being the best.

But is their economy really all that good as a nation, are their people really "happy", do they welcome uniqueness and change or do they prefer rigid conformity? This is intended as no slight on them at all, just my impressions of their general character after 30+ years of working with them and every other nation that sells automobiles in the U.S. And of all the automotive engineers I met with over the years, they seemed to like their jobs the least.

Our country was founded on diversity and has welcomed people regardless of their nationality and status in life or the amount of money they have, etc. and we became the leader of the world. I wonder if some have thought about these differences and their effects?

These are just random thoughts that occur to me as I read some of this and wonder whether the world many herein seek, would be as nice and wonderful as they think it would be or whether becoming more unaccepting and rigid would make us a happier and stronger nation? In other words, are some taking a lot for granted regarding the benefits of our open society?

But as some are also saying, and my dad also said, "charity begins at home".

I would welcome some adjustments to our immigration policies as well, but thoughtless remarks by our president do not promote the discussion. If he is such a genius as he and others herein claim, why won't he just shut up and work together with our congress instead of dividing us with his prideful behavior and leave his divisive thoughts to himself? He seems to thrive on drama, at everyone's expense. Seeing his face in the news every day creating chaos is tedious. He could be much more effective.
Yes I have thought about it.
Yes I would like to be more like the Japanese reference.

Times have changed, just because that's what it was founded on doesn't mean it still works .

That nagging statue needs to either be pushed into the harbor or given back to the French ...

As noted so many times 100 years ago people came and assimilated. Now, they want you to speak their language and allow them to bring their culture here. They want you to be them and they look down on you .

I applaud his majesty so far. Most of what he says and does is fine with me . With the available media, you may have seen the last of the silent president.
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With the available media, you may have seen the last of the silent president.
The silent president will be back... as soon as they get their president elected. Then you won't hear a peep...

Our country was founded on diversity and has welcomed people regardless of their nationality and status in life or the amount of money they have, etc. and we became the leader of the world.
Problem is over the years a lot of people have taken advantage of our good will and abused our system. People over staying visas etc.. look what's happening with the hotels they have in California, where these scumbags take in pregnant Chinese women, (to the tune of $80,000) so they can have their babies here and immediately become US Citizens, more abuse of our system.
I believe in immigration, my grandparents came over from Poland in the late 1800's early 1900's. But guess what, they did it LEGALLY. They didn't come here with they're hand out looking for a freebie. They worked hard, got jobs, learned to speak English (and were proud to) and made great lives for their families.
Get in line, wait your turn, work hard and keep your nose clean. Welcome to the USA
A lot of countries around the world have mandatory military service. I believe EVERYONE should serve for 2 years. It sure would change skewed views on how the world really turns if you put combat boots on for a couple of years and put your life on the line.
I'm really at a loss here. . . I've read through the entire portion of this thread associated with the original RFA remark. And the one question no one has asked is: How in God's green earth is it racist to call a ****-hole (if in fact that was what was said) a **** hole?!?

Also, why is it that when liberals have no argument, they almost always resort to name-calling? That is all. . .
Maybe I'll watch again sometime in the future... but I did make this entire season without a game,

Good to see you getting out of the game watching...
"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games."
- Ernest Hemingway

I don't think you'll ever see John McGuinness 'The Boss' 'The Legend' or Ian Hutchinson ever kneeling during a podium ceremony.
Here's 'The Boss' looking very much better after jumping off the new fangled Honda after the 'Auto-blip' went haywire at 160mph then going through a fence at 100mph.

John McGuinness talks to Steve Plater at Motorcycle Live 2017

Ian Hutchinson Signs for Honda

Oh BTW how many of these 'Game Player's' are still at the top at 46 years old?
I'm really at a loss here. . . I've read through the entire portion of this thread associated with the original RFA remark. And the one question no one has asked is: How in God's green earth is it racist to call a ****-hole (if in fact that was what was said) a **** hole?!?

Also, why is it that when liberals have no argument, they almost always resort to name-calling? That is all. . .

It isn’t what was said. It’s who said it. If the current pres said the sky was blue people would still have a fit and claim he’s a racist, mysoginist, narcissist etc.
You cannot have an intelligent conversation with such people.