Removing fender skirt to change tire

That first time it can be in there pretty tight. Someone will correct me if I am wrong but I believe the pin in the skirt is towards the front, so I tap the rear with the heal of my hand and it will pop right out. The pin is in a slot at the rear of the skirt, instead of a hole as in the front.
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When you reinstall the skirt, place the end with just the hole first and the slide it completely into position. I don't even touch the lever to lock it into place until I already have it where I want it.

PS to remove the tire you need to lift the car from the body, if you haven't discovered this already. If you lift at the axel the wheel will be up in the wheel well and you won't have the clearance to remove the tire
Yes, the fwd pin fits in a hole and the aft pin fits in a slot. You should be able to see these on the inside of the lip to verify. So, knock the skirt down on the aft side, letting it pivot at the front. I use a rubber mallet on the inside. I recall that when you jack up the body, you can remove the wheel while keeping the skirt on. As mentioned, regardless you must lift the body so the axle drops down enough to slide the wheel off.