seen...1970 Sport Fury GT bumper


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2014
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not shure how hard these are to find in decent shape...anyway saw and thought ld post a link ...pricey
1970 Sport Fury GT bumper | auto body parts | Windsor Region | Kijiji
just wondering if those rubber bumperettes on that rear bumper are the same as those found on a 71 front bumper...


All 70 Fury III and Sport Fury rear bumpers are the same with two variations, with or without rubber bumperettes. Neither are rare.
The rubber bumpers front and rear are different.
Buy a bumper and pay only core price because no matter the condition you will probably have to pay big bux to get it re-chromed.
k..had never seen these rubber bumperettes on the 70 rear bumper before...was just curious if they were the same unit...need to find a passengers side bumperette for 71 front bumper or Paul will give me a
k..had never seen these rubber bumperettes on the 70 rear bumper before...was just curious if they were the same unit...need to find a passengers side bumperette for 71 front bumper or Paul will give me a fail

I'll dig into my parts horde, I think I may have some bumperettes, not NOS but good enough that Paul can makes them liked new.
what kinda beer was that ?
Got a new computer and the keyboard is too flat and the keys are super easy to hit in multiples. Combine that with the crazy spell correcting and the output bears little resemblance to what I wanted to type.:mad:

In 1970 fender tag code M81 = Bumper Guards front and M85 = Bumper Guards front and rear. Of the seven known 440 convertibles, 5 had M85, 1 had M81 and one (mine) had none.
k checked my tag and it showed m81 so have at least 2 years to draw from if needed
Got a new computer and the keyboard is too flat and the keys are super easy to hit in multiples. Combine that with the crazy spell correcting and the output bears little resemblance to what I wanted to type.:mad:

In 1970 fender tag code M81 = Bumper Guards front and M85 = Bumper Guards front and rear. Of the seven known 440 convertibles, 5 had M85, 1 had M81 and one (mine) had none.

What made you NOT order them on your car?
I agree on all accounts plus the opinion that they look "cleaner" without them. Just wondering what you were thinking 46 years ago
I agree on all accounts plus the opinion that they look "cleaner" without them. Just wondering what you were thinking 46 years ago
Back then my motivation was most likely cost. My must have items, buckets, console, floor shift, power windows and the 440 option pushed me over the $6K mark. It was starting to get pretty pricey. If I had added anything it would have been A/C. Unfortunately I couldn't understand why anyone would pay $250 to air condition a convertible. That was a bad decision.
Your car stickered for over 6?
Looking back, with my current car buying experience, I think the dealer must have laughed all the way to the bank. In those days I didn't so much look at the price, I looked at the monthly payment. Anyway, the purchase agreement.
70 Order.jpg