seen...69 monaco


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2014
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goin through withdrawls...need a sponser lol.....dam...someones gona wana call on this one $3800 Can....that's like $19.99 us.....
Reading a bit on the subject, seems each port is a little different. So far just some forms to fill out, but still reading. There's a central number you call and they transfer you to a port of your choosing.
paint may buff out...anyone know how difficult to ship and get across customs?

Here is a quote from a CBP officer on moparts

Work smarter, not harder. I saved it in a PM.

Import a vehicle from Canada into the US:

Ok, here's what NEEDS to be done. If you pay someone to bring it across, it is commercial. That means he will need to see a US Customs Broker, which costs money. How much I am not sure. If you can, bring it across yourself. Personal importations are a heck of alot less paperwork and money to dish out. The vehicle needs to meet US EPA and US DOT requirements at time of import, you also need proof of ownership (bill of sale and Canadian title), fair market value ( When re-entering the US, stop at the inspection booth and declare you need to import the car. They will send you into the office with your paperwork. Here's the tricky part. In order for the vehicle to meet US EPA and US DOT standards, it either needs to be labeled, or a letter of conformity from the manufacturer. EPA labeling is under the hood and must state meets US standards and DOT is in the driver side door jamb and CANNOT have the Canadaian maple leaf. For instance, if you are bringing in a Chevy, you need a letter from GM on their letterhead stating if it meets the 2 above standards and the letter must include the VIN#. Dealer can help get the letter, but MUST be from the mfg. Or you can try contacting the mfg. directly through their addresses and phone numbers listed on at .EPA is exempt if it's over 21yrs old and DOT exempt if over 25yrs old(or vice versa, don't have the forms in front of me). You can see that EPA and DOT are the tricky part. Once it is established that the EPA and DOT are met, we will fill out the rest of the paperwork for the import. You will need a CF7501, DOT form, EPA form, and duty MAY apply. The packet of papers you get from Customs needs to go to the DMV to get a title issued. Make sure there is a red stamp on the paperwork. Duty is 3% on the first $1000 and 2.5% on the balance if not made in the US, Canada, or Mexico. If the VIN starts with 1=US, 2=Canada, 3=Mexico, 4 & 5=US (free trade zones), anything other than the 1-5 will have duty to be paid at Customs. The fair market value is what you will be taxed on at the DMV. That's about it. It's always a good idea to call the Customs office you will be entering the US at to see if there are any small differences. The above is for Port Huron, MI. References include CFR 12.73 for EPA and CFR 12.80 for DOT on the cbp website. You may want to verify the VIN and in the driver side door jamb there shoud be a month and year of manufacture, jot down the MO and YR as that is the number one thing people get sent back outside to get. If exporting a car to Canada its CFR 192.2 As stupid as it sounds, make sure the vehicle is present for import / export procedures for inspection. Failure to do this may result in penalties. If you are carrying over $10,000 cash you NEED to declare it prior to leaving and entering both countries. It's not illegal to do so, but it must be declared. There is no tax or duty on the money. If it's not declared and either country finds it, it WILL be seized. Other port phone numbers can be found and just click on the port tab at the top of the page and go from there. It's pretty simple to find the phone number.
FYI Letters of Compliance from FCA Canada are almost impossible to get. The bureacracy involved is mind boggling. Given the exchange rate we get these requests all the time for late model cars so if its not required on 25+ year vehicles that is good news. I believe the same problem exists moving cars from the US to Canada as FCA US would have to issue the LoC. I will post the 1-800 # if I ever manage to find someone on the other end who even knows what a LoC is.