seen a 1964 dart today


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2013
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20150506_170157.jpgnot a c body, but it was good to see it. my ride in the background. this is at mcswain garage in garland. good guys over there.


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Damn that thing needs a new roof skin, and I scrapped my car with a good one. :(
4-Speed Dart convertible awesome but 13" wheel's no way some ralley wheels would look nice.
Rallyes look wrong on early A-bodies. They just don't fit the era. I'd roll with Cragar S/S or a set of old US Mags aluminum slots. That car looks identical to the Dart ragtop a former girlfriend had in the mid-'80s. Slant Six with a four-speed.
Anybody 'sidez me stupid enough to ever replace ah whole *&^%*& roof. Trust me, not ah fun project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A+B+C pillerz???????????? Just the cost of cut off wheelz 'n body clampz, ARGH, ARGH, ARGH
Anybody 'sidez me stupid enough to ever replace ah whole *&^%*& roof. Trust me, not ah fun project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A+B+C pillerz???????????? Just the cost of cut off wheelz 'n body clampz, ARGH, ARGH, ARGH
With all your wisdom cast here on which I I use to elevate myself to the pinnacle on understanding social behaviour, I actually was smarter than you on at least one thing :D
LOL, Thankz Pal. I'm sure on many thingz. Made the mistake of buying ah few salvage titled wreckz back in the early '80s to rebuild and turn some buckz. The one in reference waz an 1980 240D that had taken a side hit with only 5K on the odometer. Cut, pulled, and stretch the floor pan, new B-piller, both new doorz, right fender and quarter, and after bangin' and slappin' on that bloody roof fer the better part of ah week I went hunting and found ah flawless roof on ah '79 240D that had taken a shot in the nose and I wanted to kiss the yard guy that hacked that roof off for me but decided to fight that urge. You know the biggest PITA on that whole deal waz taping the trigger down on the power drill when I had it hooked up to the speedo cable and baby sit it to run that puppy up and beyond the 12K warranty limit so I could sell it without complications. Drove that one down to Tampa and wholesaled it to a dealer, one way ticket to Detroit and still made ah few buckz but what an education(1980 waz ah very lean year BTW)
That's the first time I heard someone jacked the mileage up on a car for sale. Always around for a good one, Jer. ;)
If you knew the libertyz that were taken when I put that little M.B. together you'd understand why I couldn't leave it in warranty. That puppy without ah doubt had to be one ah them "What you see iz what you get carz" Fer all I know the dealership might still be lookin' for me, after all it'z only been 35 yearz, lol