Sigh.......another Canadian goodie

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That sunroof needs more than a "service". Looks like it was inoperative for a long time. I would be concerned about roof rust and interior damage from leakage.
I can only imagine what this car could look like if Will got a hold of that.

BTW, is that how they really did the rear window plug on the interior?
My gawd that is ugly.

Screenshot - 11_5_2012 , 6_58_37 PM.jpg
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It wasnt that ugly when it was bright white and all new. B7 and a white top and interior, what a great color combination.
Now it looks like it came off the set of Trailer Park Boys. A rare car I hope someone saves.
A reserve for a car in that condition is truly optimistic. Mentions where there is no rust and then ignores the places that do have rust so that you will not notice them.
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