I pray MOST of the damage this fool has done can be reversed one he's out of there. Some of it however will never be undone. The next president will need to put the world on notice: "America is back, do NOT expect an apology tour. We will not bow down to two bit dictators in banana republics and/or communist nations, We will not continue to allow millions of illegals (sorry, undocumented immigrants - a liberal term) to settle in here and dump unwanted children upon our shores, only to reintroduce sicknesses and plague which were eradicated here decades ago, We will not allow communist land grabs and incursions into neighboring sovereign nations without so much as a whimper, We will not allow religious zealots to establish sleeper cells disguised as places of worship throughout the land under the guise of "religious freedom" and then have them turn around a blame christians and the crusades as intolerant and ignorant and the impetus behind their "radicalization", We will not standby and watch American citizens beheaded on prime time television and the head of the nation runs off to play golf, We will not allow the mexican military to cross the border into this country under ANY circumstances, and finally we WILL (proudly) continue to be the lone superpower on this planet. I doubt ANY new president would state any of that (definately not a left wing president), but how glorious it would be to get someone with solid leadership qualities (cast iron balls) and a sincere love for America in the white house again.well, it ain't over till it's over! We got to have faith! One day, it will all come back in droves.