For Sale Small block and /6 - intake and exhaust manifolds

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Rufus T. Firefly
Staff member
May 12, 2013
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Mascoutah, Illinois
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I have several 2 BBL intakes for small blocks and one or two /6. Nothing fancy or performance orientated just regular old stock stuff.

Some exhaust manifolds have stiffening ribs for trucks I presume. A couple intake and exhaust manifolds for /6

Mostly late 60's early 70's .. truck ex manifolds are probably late 70's early 80's

PM if interested

parts are a couple hours away so it may be a while but I'll get back to you
Also have big block cast iron intakes, distributors, and heads, 402 oil pan, etc

several 383/400/413/440 engines for cores .. will need a rebuild
I have the following here at the house now

1 slant 6 exhaust manifold
1 slant 6 2 BBL intake manifold
1 valve cover

several small 2 BBL carbs that fit the intake

Please send me a PM with email if interested
1 - slant 6 2 BBL intake manifold - SOLD

4 - 2 BBL carbs for 318 and Slant Six - SOLD

1 - Slant Six exhaust manifold - SOLD

1 - Slant Six valve cover - $30
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Could be or maybe not truck exhaust manafoldz. Mother recast and reinforced all the /6 exhaust manafoldz with those ribz in the late '60s 'til the end of production in the '80s. The early exhaust manafoldz had a bad habit of cracking in either #3 or #4 near where they were sandwiched with the intakes, Jer
Oh thanks Jer. I'd say it's later model stuff. Thanks for the info about the stiffening rib on the exhaust manifolds
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