

Old Man with a Hat
Aug 24, 2013
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Kingston, Mi
How are you guys in the east doing with the snow? Totally missed me here in MI, I have heard expected snow fall between 24-30 inches. Anyone care to weigh in on this?
We got about a foot of snow earlier this week. That's really nothing for around here. Since then, nothing. The storm is missing us for a change.

The county sent a bunch of snowplows down to Long Island to help out.

Earlier this week:

This is a couple miles from me. The tunnel goes under an old New York Central RR track.
26-30" here and it's still snowing.

Are you insane?

Not really.....I'm close to a military base, work, commissary, AUTO CRAFT SHOP...and a lot of the military friends I served with.

The biggest reason is my health care. I have Tricare Prime Plus and John Hopkins Hospital is my health provider. When I turn 65 my healthcare plan automatically converts to Tricare for Life. Can't beat that for healthcare...I sure don't want to be treated by the VA hospital system.
Not really.....I'm close to a military base, commissary, AUTO CRAFT SHOP...and a lot of the military friends I served with.

The biggest reason is my health care. I have Tricare Prime Plus and John Hopkins Hospital is my health provider. When I turn 65 my healthcare plan automatically converts to Tricare for Life. Can't beat that for healthcare...I sure don't want to be treated by the VA hospital system.
Now that I understand...
My cousin told me I should move to Green Bay.....they don't get 30" of snow in one day.
It snowed less than an inch here..right on the snow line. Pittsburgh, 45 min south of me has about a foot.
Last years winter they predicted a storm just like they predicted this one. The difference is this year we got the snow, last year, not a flurry . Two years ago in November the predicted a chance of light rain, we had nine inches of snow fall in three hours.... They claimed "training" was the issue and some upper level air caused the variation.
They said we wouldn't get any snow in Maine, and they were right this time. Just got to enjoy global up to 12 degrees yesterday.