So I was Watching A Rerun Of Counting Cars....


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Mar 8, 2019
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Believe they got a marathon on today. They show Danny and Kevin at the auction. It was a 2012 episode, but I forgot the name of it. They showed a red with black top '67 Fury III convertible go through the auction, and Danny was interested. He bid a max of $15,000 for it. Kevin says "that's enough." The car sold for a respectable $15,500, and the car looked really nice at least from tv. No shots of the interior on the block, think it was black though from the shot of Danny by the roof. Then Danny bought a POS Ranchero instead. Anyway back to the Fury, it had a big block cause it had the "Commando V8" emblems on the fenders, but had the standard Sport Fury wheel covers. It also had a plastic back window. No big deal, just good to see a C-body on tv and that Danny likes the C-bodies. There again he's a car guy. Anyone else see this episode, what do you guys think?
Seen an episode where they did a Silver 73 Charger. Anyhow with a perspective buyer on the way he decided it needed more paint work. So he decided it would bring more $$ with a Billboard stripe on both quarters. Which it was done tastefully but I’ve always been told only came on the Barracuda models. And they did the flat black on the bulge hood. It actually looked pretty cool on the Charger body.
I remember buying a 71 Charger and someone had did a similar thing on its quarters which looked odd at first but when u stepped back actually spelled the word Charger within the design. I found out later from a guy that in the original “Gone in 60 seconds “ movie they supposedly had a Charger with that abstract billboard decal on each quarter. I can’t say it’s a fact because I’ve only seen the remake with Nick Cage.
Unfortunately they wrecked some nice cars in the original, including a couple of new Chargers. Having said that, I highly recommend watching the movie. One of the best car chases of all time in my opinion. H. B. Halicki was incredible, had quite an interesting life story
Seen an episode where they did a Silver 73 Charger. Anyhow with a perspective buyer on the way he decided it needed more paint work. So he decided it would bring more $$ with a Billboard stripe on both quarters. Which it was done tastefully but I’ve always been told only came on the Barracuda models. And they did the flat black on the bulge hood. It actually looked pretty cool on the Charger body.
I remember buying a 71 Charger and someone had did a similar thing on its quarters which looked odd at first but when u stepped back actually spelled the word Charger within the design. I found out later from a guy that in the original “Gone in 60 seconds “ movie they supposedly had a Charger with that abstract billboard decal on each quarter. I can’t say it’s a fact because I’ve only seen the remake with Nick Cage.
What's really funny is the buyer is an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in years. I was watching the show one night, as usual not paying much attention, and I heard a familiar voice. Looked up and there was Dave.

Even funnier is that I was switching channels the other night and noted that Counting Cars was on. Turned it on for the hell of it and thought about seeing Dave on the show.... And there he was in the repeat.

I don't have contact info on him since he moved out west when he retired so I don't know the story. He's kinda fussy about cars and has had black Chargers before. I imagine going to a silver version was due to the heat, but it would have to have some black knowing him.