
Footage of crocks taking down water buffalo is common so this just blew me away. Seeing that I'd think twice about hiking in mountain lion territory.
I'm no animal expert by far, but I suspect Cheetah's do not typically go after crocks. Water is not a big cat domain. That dude swam across a stream to snag that crock (as small crock at that). He was definitely running on empty. The crock probably just couldn't believe what the hell was seeing.
I'd prefer the Cheetah sports car.
wow.......both videos impress me. Funny how we are the species with the least cajones when it comes to our own safety, yet we are the highest order (or so they say).

the lack of cajones has allowed us to grow to overpopulation, I think!
What do you expect in a world where riding a bicycle without helmet and cellphone is considered dangerous. :)
What do you expect in a world where riding a bicycle without helmet and cellphone is considered dangerous. :)
That's because, as the highest species, we can "reason" rather act out of pure instinct. Unfortunately, "reason" is inappropriate description as applied to humans.
That's because, as the highest species, we can "reason" rather act out of pure instinct. Unfortunately, "reason" is inappropriate description as applied to humans.

I have the impression the level of reasoning has reached some unreasonable level in Western civilization.
There was a time it was reasonable to throw a slave into a ring filled with Lions that had not been fed for a month...
Not that much difference between Imperial Rome and our society...insofar as entertainment is considered.
If I want entertainment, I go to my local dive. It's all of society in one tiny room. It's priceless.
I can't imagine Imperial Rome having local dives...
Sounds like dinner at my parents-in-law. :laughing4: