I reckon when the people from the show comes forward with a statement like this you know it's not going to be pretty.
"OK Im going to break my silence on all the stuff that’s been happening. This will be my FINAL comments on it.
Also be prepared, I don’t have to watch what I say anymore because of a TV show.
First off Im going to go with innocent till proven guilty because that is the law of the land BUT there is a ton of evidence out there. Im privy to a little more info than most of yall are and I can tell you its ****** up. Like I don’t even want to know what I know ****** up.
Ive known who the accuser is for a while now and I can tell you 100% I believe her. She isn’t looking for cash she is just doing whats right. If someone out there still thinks the ex wife is trying to get back or some silly **** like that you can stop that **** now.
Did will hayden jumpstart my career? Yep sure did. So did the folks at Discovery and Jupiter productions. I appreciate what they did. And to Discov and Jupiter and most of the guys at RJF, I had a ton of fun with it Thank you.
Now to the point at hand, this may sounds harsh but ya know what **** it. If he is guilty hang him. From the tallest tree, with piano wire.
I consider the folks I was on the show with my friends and I will always be there for em and I hate what the family is going through but remember one egotistical ******* did this. Im sure he can find one bullet" ~Glenn Flemming
And I guess the Daughter is coming out and sticking with her sister ( the whole crime against nature charge) and the friend not the old man. Dude's gunna burn, I think.