
Feb 11, 2016
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Does anybody know whats inside that small envelope taped to the back panel inside of my glovebox?? Dont want to tamper with it being its original to my car, yet ive lost many hours of sleep wondering! lol.

Interesting, my car didn't even have one, never heard of one.

Honestly if it was mine I'd put it on a copier and copy both sides of the envelope after taking a picture of it in place. I'd probably use an xacto and slit a side or bottom. I do not see opening this harming it's value. I see the contents having more value being seen.

That would do the trick for sure eh? Lol. Im sure somebodies peeled that envelope open at some time or another. Im wondering if its a handwritten statement per car or a random 'note' that every car was slapped with? Either way id have to imagine its pretty rare to come across. Thanks
Sorry Alan, just seen your post. Maybe i can open it while in place taped to the glovebox, that i havent tryed. All i know is once its pulled away, that tape will NEVER stick again, its very brittle after 4 decades.
I would bet it's a certificate of calibration for the speedometer.

The speedometer would be checked, the date, tech doing the work, and the standards used to check the speedometer is most likely shown. It's also quite possible the the test results would be shown with test points and actual readings.

I would also bet that the cert should have been filed by the police department and for some reason this wasn't.

I was in the test equipment calibration business for many years. We didn't do speedometers, but that would be what we would do for any other piece of equipment.

I would document where it is with photographs and then pull it out to display. If you think about it, we pull build sheets out of cars with no afterthoughts.
Good point big john, im going to check it out the next time im out there, seenif it cant be opened right where it is. Thanks, sounds interesting.
I know radar speed detectors are required to be "certified" for accuracy on a scheduled basis. Many speeding tickets are tossed out because someone was smart enough to contest the speeding ticket, take it to court, and ask for a copy of the most recent certification.

Like the tag fire extinguishers are required to have.

+1...it's the certification that the speedometer was bench tested and calibrated + or - 1 MPH.

I've seen three or four of these in various fleet cars.

I'd leave it alone, where it is. Although as stated, opening it likely would not hurt the "value" of your vehicle.....which we are waiting for a photo of!!!
Look at this as the hobby has for 40 years, treat it no differently than everybody has been with broadcast sheets. The broadcast sheets have been removed from the hiding places and placed in protective sleeves. Nobody restores a car and places original broadcast sheets back where they were.

Cut it free from the glove box and remove it, no need to keep it there or put t back.

Look at this as the hobby has for 40 years, treat it no differently than everybody has been with broadcast sheets. The broadcast sheets have been removed from the hiding places and placed in protective sleeves. Nobody restores a car and places original broadcast sheets back where they were.

Cut it free from the glove box and remove it, no need to keep it there or put t back.


I respectfully disagree.

There is merit to leaving the data/historical record in place. Historical items like this are often "kept" and then lost,...as they weren't deemed significantly important.

The fact that you (Alan) have never seen one may lead to my point.

Some folks leave their original Broadcast sheets in place, so it's not unheard of at all. Quite common with many collectors.

My opinion is to..leave it alone.
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Well, i too agree with both. Pros and cons to each side of course. Keep it in there and risk the possible chance of who knows what.....curious kids, a hungry mouse during storage possibly?!? Wouldnt that suck! Or....pull it out and just to tuck away with the title, etc....exuming it from its place of rest for many years!?!? I dunno....back to my original thought, lets see if i can safely get it open right where it is maybe. Thankyou guys, both wonderful ideas for there own reasons, much appreciated!
Oh, btw.....any secrets to where the buildsheet might be in a 1970 fury? Checked underside of all seats, backside of glovebox, the obvious places. Wherelse could i possibly look?!?
Under carpet, between seat springs, top of glove compartment, Above head liner, behind interior panels, under trunk mat, above fuel tank
I looked all over my latest purchase. The carpet was last chance. I found a chewed up sheet in the right rear foot well... oddly there was a good one on the left rear foot well.
Since the rear seat is already loose i guess ill have to carefully lift up the rubber floor and check it out!
Oh, btw.....any secrets to where the buildsheet might be in a 1970 fury? Checked underside of all seats, backside of glovebox, the obvious places. Wherelse could i possibly look?!?

My 70 was pretty well reduced to individual parts with no sign of a build sheet any where.