Sugar Honey Iced Tea..


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Punta Gorda FL
Welp got a decent offer on the house with no concessions or conditions. First uh oh right? Had the inspections this week, septic failed. just about to over-flow the drainfield so it got inspected just in time. No room on the property for a new field so it's going on sewer. YAY, gunna have to pay to get out of this pig. IF IF I can get a contractor to show up to do an estimate. You'd think with everyone claiming they're hurting for work one of the five I've called would have shown up in the past two days... Hell, even returned a phone call or something. Meh.

Told Mrs 67Monaco let's dump the Monaco, she's not having any of it so I guess I'm still stuck with it.
Not sure what's going on but that's pretty drastic.

In the wise words of Randy Quaid in Christmas vacation, "Shitters was Full". Septic system has failed so we have to have the plumbing in the house redirected to the front of the house, the foundation cored, and the street and yard dug up so we can connect to the city sewer. But better now than after the sale, I'd have felt bad if it happened after the deal closed.
Doesn't it figure? Sorry about you're luck. How far from the street are you? Sounds like a $10,000 proposition.
Doesn't it figure? Sorry about you're luck. How far from the street are you? Sounds like a $10,000 proposition.

Meh luck had nothing to do with it. I just happened to buy the house with a 60yo drain field. I knew it when I bought it that the whole shebang was on borrowed time and the hook up was going to happen down the road. Checked fine but I knew 60 years old was a crap shoot. Ha ha I keep making my self crack up.. Anyway. At 10K I'll be happy to pay to exit the state, hoping for less. If I could just get a contractor to show up and give me the bid. Any of the nine we called from the city's registered installer list. Just need one to actually show.

Got my guy on the hook to haul the Monaco waiting for offical word, the movers are scheduled.. and just waiting here patiently.

Good thing is it didn't spook the buyers.
Where are you moving to?
Bout an hour I guess.
A wise man once told me, "if I owned both Hell and Florida, I'd live in Hell and rent out Florida".
That's what they tell me. Hope everybody else heeds the warning... me? Well I ain't never paid no mind to good advice. I ain't about to start now.


Actually it's the hot assed summers that worry me.
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So a 1296mi drive over two days and we arrived Saturday afternoon. Car arrived yesterday. Oddly, it left with a half tank and arrived empty (bone dry). I assume he had it in a position where the *** end was low.

Barely got it started with a prime of the carb. Got to drive it 5 miles to the storage place. First time it's been to 60mph in I'm guessing 15 years or so. Drove like it wanted to run. Had a good time even though there wasn't any AC in it wasn't unbearable.

The search for a new house begins in about three or four weeks and hope to have it back in a garage and work resumed asap.

Anyway, that's my update.

Well we decided that this is where the wifes new kitched is going to reside. We'll know what the rest of it looks like, and how the lift in the garage is going to be placed in 6 months.


Thanks. Punta Gorda FL is the location. We're building on one of the tributaries to the Peace river. It's nice as all get out down here. It reminds me of Colorado without the mountains but the added humidity.
Hope you are enjoying the new location.

When we lived in Central Florida (Brevard county), the summer never really bothered me that much. Yeah, it was hot and humid, but being on the east coast we always had a nice breeze coming in off the Atlantic. So it was bearable. The "winter"...umm...whatever it was...just a nice little break I guess for those who were not used to the hot/humid stuff.

But inland central Orlando...Lakeland...Sebring... that gets STEAMY in the summer time. I didn't think I would do well there.
Hope you are enjoying the new location.

When we lived in Central Florida (Brevard county), the summer never really bothered me that much. Yeah, it was hot and humid, but being on the east coast we always had a nice breeze coming in off the Atlantic. So it was bearable. The "winter"...umm...whatever it was...just a nice little break I guess for those who were not used to the hot/humid stuff.

But inland central Orlando...Lakeland...Sebring... that gets STEAMY in the summer time. I didn't think I would do well there.

So far, lovin it. Get the Gulf breezes constantly so it's bearable. The guy that owns the storage facility asked me if I was going to take the car out and get it circulating. Told him it wasn't registered so he says drive it on the property, keep the brakes free and the fluids flowing. Thought that was awful nice. Not a huge place but there's a few acres to drive around on and at least keep it moving 'til I get a garage again.
Congrats on finding a spot for your new home. Keep us posted on your progress. Are you going to build a house/garage yourself?