Old Man with a Hat
Welp got a decent offer on the house with no concessions or conditions. First uh oh right? Had the inspections this week, septic failed. just about to over-flow the drainfield so it got inspected just in time. No room on the property for a new field so it's going on sewer. YAY, gunna have to pay to get out of this pig. IF IF I can get a contractor to show up to do an estimate. You'd think with everyone claiming they're hurting for work one of the five I've called would have shown up in the past two days... Hell, even returned a phone call or something. Meh.
Told Mrs 67Monaco let's dump the Monaco, she's not having any of it so I guess I'm still stuck with it.
Told Mrs 67Monaco let's dump the Monaco, she's not having any of it so I guess I'm still stuck with it.