For Sale Tail Lights n Lenses Needed

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66 300

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Jan 1, 2020
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Hello, I need tail lights and lenses for a 1966 Chrysler 300. Anyone know where I can get a pair? Thanks for the help.
Sorry, but I see no text with this "reply," so I do not know what to make of it. If you have 66 Chrysler 300 tail lights n lenses for sale, or know where I can get them, please advise. Thank you.
Sorry, but I see no text with this "reply," so I do not know what to make of it. If you have 66 Chrysler 300 tail lights n lenses for sale, or know where I can get them, please advise. Thank you.
It's a callout for another member who may be able to help.
Sorry, but I see no text with this "reply," so I do not know what to make of it. If you have 66 Chrysler 300 tail lights n lenses for sale, or know where I can get them, please advise. Thank you.
Zymurgy has successfully reproduced them.
Zymurgy has successfully reproduced them.
He's doing the lenses only, the frames and all are on you. You have a very hard look in front of you and when you do find them, prepare to cough a lot of coin for them. Good Luck
This is posted in the wrong section, it is supposed to be posted in the wanted section of the site
Hello, I need tail lights and lenses for a 1966 Chrysler 300. Anyone know where I can get a pair? Thanks for the help.
Yes I do make the lenses, both right and left red lenses. I do not make the clear lenses because they are available from many sources. Send me a personal message. Thanks, Mike
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