the there.

I saw a newsfeed item on this the other day, but did not click the link. Truly amazing!

Think of the time and effort it took to do the programming of the machine! Plus the related labor and prototype costs.

Don't put away the hammer and dolly, or English wheel just yet.

They quickly passed over the part where the machine shapes the metal, it would be good to know how it actually works. However, these shows tend to focus more on the banter and drama between the guys rather than the work.
I saw this stuff being done about 10 years ago. The difference was the cost made it only available to large companies that had deep enough pockets.

I've also been seeing guys 3D print body panels and some printing of "bucks" to make fiberglass or carbon fiber panels. That's home garage level. It's all very interesting.

A couple videos.

This is what I say 10 years ago. The technology is slightly different with a stylus on both sides of the steel instead of the urethane backer used in the previous videos I posted.

So many opportunities to come up with a unique custom design, a modern day fuselage car anyone?