I wanna ***** about the weather here in NC, because I know it will do a lot of good. It snows here, but seldom enough to be real snow. Mostly ice. I bitched when it snowed in New England too, because I spent hours shoveling it only to have the town plow come up the hill trying to clear 3/4ths of the road in one pass and pushing most of it into my yard. But at least there was enough snow to do something with, like building giant snow banks to keep people from using your driveway as a turnaround, or anatomically-correct snowmen (and snowwomen). Last week it was in the teens and 20s here, yesterday it was 73. Today it's 50. Tomorrow, back near 70. WTF is right!
As far as political correctness, it's only one thing: political. It's one group's view of how we all need to behave, based on the the fact that we don't all think like them, along with incredibly arrogant and incorrect assumption we're not smart or tactful enough to know what to say or when to say it, so they (in their infinite wisdom) need to think for us, and tell us how to speak/think/live. There's nothing correct about it, in fact it goes against one of the basic tenets of the constitution: free speech, however stupid. I liked things a lot more before these wankers started this nonsense. You could filter out the idiots a lot faster before everyone was afraid to say anything. Now you can only pick them out easily on one side of the aisle.
I'd also like to ***** about people who park their asses in the left(passing) lane of a double lane highway and block everyone else who got out there to get around slower traffic, but I don't wish to appear topic-greedy, or be seen as 'aggressive' for applying common sense.