This is exactly why ebay sucks so bad

Who would buy a JC Whitey 7/16" socket for $9.19??? Not me......Snap On or Craftsman for me.
You've totally missed the point.

THink about it...

The spammers.
You search for something SPECIFIC like "1976 New Yorker" and FN irrelevant crap fills your search list.
I mean, it's bad enough you get 10,573 hits for LED bulbs, generic floor mats, and Hello Kitty steering wheel covers, but a freaking SOCKET???? C'mon man. A socket.
And I'm glad to now find out that if I can't find a New Yorker socket, I can use a Chevy one.
WTF x 1,000
That is the same result for all search engines....not just EBay.
I'm a buyer....I haven't sold a single thing on EBay or Craigslist ever.

I can also see your view on the seller's (spammers) ways to get their sh*t viewed and sold. Just put in ALL the keywords that'll pop on their ad so where there are 10 or so legitimate sellers of a particular item turns in to 103,005 worthless ads you have to waste your time trying to get through for the legitimate ad that you are looking for in the first place.
Second line enter your exclusions, in this case socket.

Exactly..... using this box will greatly reduce the crap..... I usually enter "fits, cover, mats, and other irrelevent discriptive words you can think of"
Socket wouldn't be a term that I would associate with LED lights. LOL!
I'm actually shocked at the LED lights.... I didn't think these cars were "ricer" capable.
Second line enter your exclusions, in this case socket.

Exactly..... using this box will greatly reduce the crap..... I usually enter "fits, cover, mats, and other irrelevent discriptive words you can think of"
I've been doing exclusions for years.
The problem is there is a character limit in the search line. I've filled it up with exclusions up to its character limit but at best you might cut out 10% of the crap. I've tried and tried. If I add -LED thent something else has to go and therefor end up with 1,250 listings for another item.
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