This Morning's Cruise


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
I've been going to this cruise on Saturday mornings for the past couple weeks. It's in a large grocery store parking lot and starts at 7 AM. It's probably one of the best cruises I've ever been to. Really laid back... all car guys and very few spectators. It's brought out people I haven't seen in years and cars that I have never seen! I didn't have my camera last week and my cell phone was broken, but this week I got a few pics.

This Caddy was nicer than this picture shows.

The local gold chain guys are always there.

I know a lot of you guys aren't into Corvettes, but this one is worthy of note. 427 Corvette with A/C

I think this could be the 56 Cadillac was featured in Hemmings Classic Car in Feb. 2007. Same color combo and interior, but no grille plaques there. Did it have the clear plastic seat covers in there ?

Yep. Same car. I even recognize the owner in the pic. Beautiful car.

This cruise brings out some really nice iron. There was a 1959 Lincoln Continental Convertible there last week parked next to a 1957 Ford Sunliner retractable hardtop.
Yes, a Dodge Coronet. I think it's a '49 and it's as nice as the picture.

That vert is sweet! Thanks for sharing!

I love morning car shows.........all the Ricer's are still sleeping and not being a nuisance at the car cruises! LOL!!!
That vert is sweet! Thanks for sharing!

I love morning car shows.........all the Ricer's are still sleeping and not being a nuisance at the car cruises! LOL!!!

There was a few tuner type cars there. One was a Neon and the others were some form of ricer. Not my cup of tea, but they were all well executed cars and the owners were nice guys.

This cruise really has a great variety of cars and I like that.
That looks like a great time. There is not but a handful of cars in my hometown, population, 1800. No Superbirds here. LOL