This was impressive

We can and we will. They have no large enough footprint to demand sharia law here yet. I am hoping we can keep that advantage.
They are here and laying low. By the tens of thousands. And increasing at an exponential rate. ALL WAITING for the call. They'll crawl out from under every rock and hit us from 360°.
That married couple in CA that slaughtered all those people?
They were just two of the million that will be positioned here around America. They just got itchy and went rogue. They couldnt wait for the official word to come down.
They are in the government, the school system, and F&$@ !!!..... even in the military!
They are here and laying low. By the tens of thousands. And increasing at an exponential rate. ALL WAITING for the call. They'll crawl out from under every rock and hit us from 360°.
That married couple in CA that slaughtered all those people?
They were just two of the million that will be positioned here around America. They just got itchy and went rogue. They couldnt wait for the official word to come down.
They are in the government, the school system, and F&$@ !!!..... even in the military!
scary thoughts man.