Thumbs up


Old Man with a Hat
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Pleasant Hill, CA
Awhile back Polara71 expressed amazement that I had never seen a thumbs up while driving my car. Well with the wife and son in the Philippines I have lots of time to do things at home. Started early to prep my back F-100 bumper, remove the tailgate because I wasn't happy the way the two tone line lined up so prepped that, too windy to paint though, changed the oil in the Polara, washed the big Merc and painted an overhead light fixture for the Hornet. By 6:00 I was able to take the Mercury out for gas and a ride. Ouch, at $80 to fill her up. This is my favorite car to drive with that big block 410 FE the power is so smooth and so is the ride. Got home parked that one, moved the wife's car back into place and prepared to take the Polara out. Now 7:05 and off we go to make a loop. On the way home I see a 1969 car coming up in the #1 fast lane while I am in lane #2 as we go around a sweeping overpass to merge with another freeway. I expected him to pass on by but where did he go? Look over and he is at my 8 o/c smiling and gives me a big thumbs up. Probably delayed going by to see what the heck I was driving. Gave him a thumbs up because his 1969 was a Cougar.
Excellent! Glad to see you are finally paying attention to whats going on around you.........but seriously, you should be seeing that from all walks not just another old car guy
I can't believe that's the first time you noticed that sort of thing. I get people yelling across lanes of traffic almost every time I'm out in one of mine.
Why am I uncomfortable with it?

interesting question ......!
Its a symbol of acceptance and aknowlegment by others who share or approve of your interest.
Sometimes because of the nostalgia you have envolked in them.

It's a good thing ..... We've had folks start a conversation while at a traffic signal. One day about a week ago a fellow pulled up in traffic and said ...... "I wanna be where you are" ...... What a complement, I thought.
So I don't need nor want to be acknowledged for the car I drive?
If I appeal to the anonymous general masses, then I'm driving the wrong car.
That's only me, Will. I understand I'm missing out on that part of the culture and I'm fine with that.
The far greatest thrill is to meet personally people like you and sit around and talk. That to me is acceptance by the people I want.
The acknowledgement of others while my car is in action is icing on the cake. They are the people who usually dont have the means to have such a car. You ignore or resist that then you are missing ouf. We all already enjoy the meeting at shows part.
To me it isn't a big deal besides he probably gave me a thumbs up after checking me out for a new candy color and some 22's at a minimum.
For once....I agree with Stan. Acknowledgment is nice, and I'm very polite about it....BUT there have been other's who have made less than friendly or obnoxious comments to my face and I couldn't care less...don't need it cause I'll keep doing what I'm doing whether I get it or not.
I'll keep doing what I'm doing whether I get it or not.

I agree, I do it because I want to. I still like the fact that people come over to talk about my ratty car when I'm at the store or gas station, especially the people who know what my car is. No badges on it and you don't see many around. Even if no one knew what is was I'd still drive the wheels off it.
To me it isn't a big deal besides he probably gave me a thumbs up after[also giving a thumbs up] checking out a new candy color and some 22's at a minimum.
You nailed it!
The lowest most common denominator you appeal to will get you the most thumbs up regardless of how special your car is. Lime green exterior with a duct tape interior will get you a thumbs up.
A simple "nice" from guys like you is worth a 100X more.

I'd rather be out on a small tin tub with a wise old Bass Master teaching me how to catch the biggest Bass than be out on a 45' deep sea fishing boat with all the once a year vacationers going for a Marlin assisted by 10 crew members and all the electronic devices known to man. HowTF will you ever learn how a fish thinks going that route???

Thumbs up are my Gary's angry eyebrows.
I'd rather be out on a small tin tub with a wise old Bass Master teaching me how to catch the biggest Bass than be out on a 45' deep sea fishing boat with all the once a year vacationers going for a Marlin assisted by 10 crew members and all the electronic devices known to man. HowTF will you ever learn how a fish thinks going that route???[/

Do fish think .....?? :thinker: ........ :icon_study:
I'd rather be out on a small tin tub with a wise old Bass Master teaching me how to catch the biggest Bass than be out on a 45' deep sea fishing boat with all the once a year vacationers going for a Marlin assisted by 10 crew members and all the electronic devices known to man. HowTF will you ever learn how a fish thinks going that route???[/

Do fish think .....?? :thinker: ........ :icon_study:

Heck they travel in schools !!!! They must think ..... :caught a cuda:



I'm going to have to hold a mandatory class on Metaphors101.
If not, I'm going to have to end every post with: And the moral of this story is..."

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For once....I agree with Stan. Acknowledgment is nice, and I'm very polite about it....BUT there have been other's who have made less than friendly or obnoxious comments to my face and I couldn't care less...don't need it cause I'll keep doing what I'm doing whether I get it or not.

You nailed it!
The lowest most common denominator you appeal to will get you the most thumbs up regardless of how special your car is. Lime green exterior with a duct tape interior will get you a thumbs up.
A simple "nice" from guys like you is worth a 100X more.

I'd rather be out on a small tin tub with a wise old Bass Master teaching me how to catch the biggest Bass than be out on a 45' deep sea fishing boat with all the once a year vacationers going for a Marlin assisted by 10 crew members and all the electronic devices known to man. HowTF will you ever learn how a fish thinks going that route???

Thumbs up are my Gary's angry eyebrows.

Gary, two years ago I was turning off of Laurel rd onto East Atlantic ave and there was a group of boys, they were probably 11 years old. I was in the convertible and the top was down. One of the kids stopped in his tracks and pointed to my car and said loudly to the other kids, thats a 70 polara convertible. ..... I gotta tell you, I wanted to turn that car around and go talk to that boy BUT it could have been considered creepy.

If you guys are shunning attention by the people that admire your car on the road then you need your cars taken away from you. Sure you get the snobs or the jealous types that reject the old car but that is few and far between. Most love to see them on the road, and in the bank, gas station, food store lot. I have been Polara Dave or C body Dave since I was fifteen, I dont do it for the attention but it finds me and in a positive way.