To Tint or Not to Tint, That is the question.


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
As I have mentioned in the past, I am not a fan of tinted windows on classic cars. To me, it just looks wrong.
But, I live in Florida and right now, mid-day in the middle of July, the sun will break the back of the toughest souls.
So, I bit the bullet and simply say if you don't like it, you must live in Canada. :D

The fact that it is a silver/black paint on a Formal saves the day. You decide, good or bad. I don't care. It's a done deal. Lol.

OH! And it is absolutely taking a load off of the A/C. It's nice when your passenger asks you to turn it down.




I'm in the same boat with ya. Not big on the look of it on a classic but.....

It looks good though! How much did that run ya? Need to get it done on the cordoba.
I like it. Goes perfectly with the two tone paint.

Is it allowed to make the windshield that dark? Here in the Netherlands maximum tint allowed is 30% light absorption. That's the same for the front doors. In the back you can do whatever you want.
Windshield is not allowed to be tinted.
State laws vary. I went with 35% tint which is lighter than what Florida allows.
I didn't want to go gangsta or incur the wrath of the police.
I spent the money and got the "Crystaline" tint which is maximum heat reduction.
Zac, the cost was $185.00.

BTW, Zac, I'm studying the ATC II wiring diagram to determine how I can used a hidden switch to bypass the system and get a full 13V going to the blower
What kind of subs are you getting and how big is your amp? :poke:

Seriously though, It looks great! I'm a fan of window tint for keeping an interior cooler in the summer. It's also nice to have when a big truck is following too close at night.
A possible solution is to use a thicker tint material that is non permanent. A few years ago I purchased some left over at a thrift store and put it on the outside of my rear window. Applied with soap and water and squeeged just like the inside stuff. It never has blown off up to 75 mph and it can be removed if needed. I suspect the same results for the side glass plus you can do it and not have to hire someone.
Tint is bad because jerks like me stick our faces against the glass when you're not around to try and get a good look at the interior and we get slobber all over it. And you thought that was bird poop?.......silly man.....
Nobody down here slobbers all over the car.
I have to throw pics out over the Internet to get slobbers.
Doesn't look bad. I don't mind tint, but I am not partial to dark tint on the front doors. I like to be able to see the driver clearly, so that I know he has seen me.
I agree, Pete, tint is not something I like doing.
It's this damn aging process combined with this climate change thingie...
Nobody down here slobbers all over the car.
I have to throw pics out over the Internet to get slobbers.

Well yeah, that big fiery ball in the sky makes glass too hot for us down there. We'd melt our faces
It works on your formal Stan. Pimps it out a little but it looks good.

Goldie has factory tint I wouldn't believe if I hadn't read it on the window sticker. Very light.
Gaw head and LOL bish! Carlisle is right down the road and Mopars at Englishtown is doable with just a couple stop/engine cool-offs heh heh