So I drove about 100 miles before the transmission started giving a flare shift. And then the upper radiator hose sprung a leak. And that's when I found it. Transmission fluid in the radiator, and coolant in the transmission.
I've opted to bypass the radiator cooler with an external cooler. I tried to drain and flush the transmission a few times, installing a new filter once but realizing quickly the damage is done. Clutch material plugged the filter.
So I know what I need to do. My question is, are there any converters and overhaul kits anyone here has had good or bad luck with?
I have taken the transmission apart completely and found all the hard parts and bushings are in great shape. I know that I will never get the converter flushed, so I need that and probably just a basic overhaul kit with clutches, steels and seal. The bands both look ok and aren't missing any material. I want to do it once and the right way but the cheapest way possible also. Please let me know your thought.
I've opted to bypass the radiator cooler with an external cooler. I tried to drain and flush the transmission a few times, installing a new filter once but realizing quickly the damage is done. Clutch material plugged the filter.
So I know what I need to do. My question is, are there any converters and overhaul kits anyone here has had good or bad luck with?
I have taken the transmission apart completely and found all the hard parts and bushings are in great shape. I know that I will never get the converter flushed, so I need that and probably just a basic overhaul kit with clutches, steels and seal. The bands both look ok and aren't missing any material. I want to do it once and the right way but the cheapest way possible also. Please let me know your thought.