Tribute to Don Rook and his Cm23u0c196877 final history?

haywire 440

Get The Cartwright
FCBO Gold Member
Jun 30, 2017
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Some questions were asked about the Hurst Dash for sale on this site. It was dismantled and parts are for sale. The dash tag is not. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time. This dash probably came from Pennsylvania, along with a plethora of parts. One very interesting part was the Hurst hood. There must have been a pretty violent meeting with a telephone pole. There was a pole indentation almost up to the scoop. Now the story told to me was a dealer rep was out for a “joy ride” in the brand new beast, let’s just say things got out of hand. Too make matters more murky it may have been the fabled and mystical Hurst convertible. A tall tail, maybe. But supposedly this car was erased from the books. Now let’s see what enlightened information can be added and may taps be played for 1 of 501 good ol’ #196877.

One of our members has THE Hurst Convertible. The one that Linda Vaughn was paraded around on.
Certainly not the Hurst convertible, since the body code is for a coupe.
That’s an indisputable fact, so being a ragtop is out. But it may still have been totaled early on.
One of our members has THE Hurst Convertible. The one that Linda Vaughn was paraded around on.
An iconic sight of Miss Hurst Golden Shifter captured in full color Kodak glory. Was that a real Hurst?
The Hurst convertible technically isn't a "real" Hurst car. It's just a white 300 convertible that they the put the fiberglass hood and deck lid on. It has a standard white 300 interior, not the Imperial seats, the grill wasn't painted like the Hurst coupes and the paint scheme was a bit different. Also, I doubt that the fender tag is coded for the Hurst package. It was a special purpose car, not a regular production car, but I guarantee that it's probably worth at least four times more that any Hurst coupe, except maybe the pilot car.
Last known owner Don Rook. From the Jan 2004 Hurst registry.
Bingo, that’s where this dash comes from and the stories, though I may have mixed up the tales. There wasn’t a 300 Hurst car just parts. Our brief chance encounter left me with many tales but an understanding of a man who was wildly passionate about his automobiles.
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Here is an article that I wrote about Don and I. Were we friends? He Sure made it seem that way. My wife, bless her heart, even passed his test by, after he made her sit in a car, knowing the transmission was activated with a push of a button. She won him over. Don was really impressed when he learned we drove through a river to get to his and Kathy’s place. That way was the short cut. My wife and I have remained in contact with Kathy. Don’s Superbird was featured in an English car magazine and that magazine also featured topless models, as if the American Automobiles weren’t enough. We knew more about Don in the hours we spent there than probably what We know about our own family, lol.
To us he was a Real great guy.




Some questions were asked about the Hurst Dash for sale on this site. It was dismantled and parts are for sale. The dash tag is not. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time. This dash probably came from Pennsylvania, along with a plethora of parts. One very interesting part was the Hurst hood. There must have been a pretty violent meeting with a telephone pole. There was a pole indentation almost up to the scoop. Now the story told to me was a dealer rep was out for a “joy ride” in the brand new beast, let’s just say things got out of hand. Too make matters more murky it may have been the fabled and mystical Hurst convertible. A tall tail, maybe. But supposedly this car was erased from the books. Now let’s see what enlightened information can be added and may taps be played for 1 of 501 good ol’ #196877.

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You trying to tell Us-Me you've been on top of the Mountain in Mena Where our Good Friend drown several yearz back?
Yes and it was a terrible tragedy to all. We go to Mena often.
Your last post and Mine crossed in Ciber Space Haywire. Your pix tell me you were on the mountain. Me too, several times over the yearz. Don ever take you 28 miles west of Mina where you could drink beer in Oklahoma and pee in Arkansas and be under the same roof? lol Good Memories with a Good Friend, And I still miss him, Jer
One of the first things I noticed years ago was the car door nailed to a tree with “300’s Welcome”. I thought who the heck would put that out in the middle of nowhere.
Was not in the place, but I probably drove by it. It was the closest place to drink/buy liquor since the county was dry. Not any more...private clubs.
Don waz a member of at least one of the private clubs in Mena that I know of. But where else can you tip ah cold brew while sitting on ah tree stump in Oklahoma and walk less then 20' to pee in another state and never go outside? lol And yes, that water hole waz on SR-8 west of Mena and probably still going strong today. Kathy still running the B&B in the 8000 Sq. Ft. Castle on the mountain top? I miss 'um both. Did you meet Ray J.(an other 300 Club member) out there when made trips to Mena. I think Ray had a Hurst too If my memory iz still workin'?
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Some of the restaurants are now considered private clubs like the Branding Iron. Kathy sold Raspberry Manor and moved into town. I may have met Ray, the name rings a bell, but I also met Dave W. who lived down the road from Don. I hope Dave and his wife are well, I keep trying to get time to say hi. They were nice too. I will post more photos later, I know how everyone digs that.
Here is the damaged hood. It was repaired and now on the bow of a 1969 Chrysler 300 in Illinois.





Every direction you looked there were buildings to explore. Even outside, where the Lucky Limo sat, there were more vehicles in those woods. One was a La Femme. I know the Chrysler 300 International Club held shows up there and your pictures and memories would add a nice touch as I/we toast Don. Someone please hand me an ice cold Milwaukee Best.






