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There's a relic from the past that i haven't seen in years.
J.C. Whitney window blinds.
I wonder if it has the Fingerhut clear bubble wrap seat covers...

I wonder how many people on this forum know what Fingerhut is without looking it up. LOL.
I guess the best way to describe was/is the Walmart of mail order catalogs. Very popular in it's heyday. I bet you're Mom & Dad have something from Fingerhut in the attic or garage or maybe something still in the kitchen.
Not me, heard the name but couldnt tell you what it is

There isn't a soul alive that's over 50 that didn't scorch their butt in the summer while sitting in the back seat of the family wagon as a kid. No kid escape the waffle pattern branded onto the back of their thighs either.

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I wonder if the blinds make a lot of noise at speed with the windows down?
If there was nobody driving I guess it wouldn't really matter if the blinds were making noise.
Those seat covers were always the first thing Ma got for Dad's new cars. Him and I both didn't like them. We had it on the "good furniture" in the living room too.
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