Tuners vs VW


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Bacliff Texas
Since what VW allegedly did was alter the vehicles software to achieve a passing grade during emission testing and then revert to a performance tune when the testing is complete, they are to be criminally charged.

As far as I know, Tuners like Bully Dog and others, do not offer "emissions friendly" tunes for diesels, but they do offer performance tunes. I'm pretty sure that these tunes aren't concerned with increased emissions. Are they about to catch flak from the feds?

Can VW simply "fix" the issue by making the emission test mode tune a permanent tune?
I think they could push new code, or turn off the countermeasure, but then everyone will have a turd diesel that sucks and is slow and laggy and is basically not what the customer bought - as far as expected performance, etc. or they leave it turned on all the time so the car runs decent but have a bunch of cars that don't pass emissions next year at inspection.

on the tuner dudes, I never really thought about that. I guess they know people that got stickers :)
They will come out with a "Tuner Kit".
Contents of the kit will be two chips (one marked "A" and one marked "B", and an instruction sheet.

Instruction sheet will say "Chip 'A' for Off Road Use Only)".

Use Chip 'B' when going to inspection station.
There is no regulation you can't sidestep.
Look at Wall St.
this is a bad one for VW.

my auto buddies were talking about this a couple years ago before the "fit hit the shan": How in the world can VW get this kinda performance -- "seat of the pants", low emissions, low cost, etc., -- outta diesels?

the answer is... they couldn't. its cheating of the most flagrant, egregious kind in ANY industry.

guess we'll see how it all unfolds. I bet that, unlike that ignition thing at GM, somebody at VW is goin' to the Gefängnis.