Unbelievable Gift


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
From my mom & uncles.

Dealer color & fabric selector. I have about 40 transparencies with different paint color combinations.

Amazingly accurate visualizer tool that was ahead of its time.
It belonged to my grandpa from his small town Chrysler dealership. We used to play with it for hours as kids & it's unbelievably gracious for my uncles to let me have it. I've been searching for one with no luck. Will stumbled onto one recently too.
All I ever got was underwear. You are blessed with a very cool family.

In all seriousness, Im still curious aboiut your terrarium. Howz that going.
Super kool, what was the occasion?
It belonged to my grandpa from his small town Chrysler dealership. We used to play with it for hours as kids & it's unbelievably gracious for my uncles to let me have it. I've been searching for one with no luck. Will stumbled onto one recently too.

That's pretty cool that they gave that to you. What town was your Grandpas dealership in ?