
Active Member
Apr 25, 2015
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Redford michigan
This post is basically nothing more than a rant on my hatred for Japanese Imports and the people who drive them. If you are a FCBO member and you own a Japanese import please don't be offended. This post is not directed at you. It's directed at the so called " Tuners " who sit around and bash old American V8s and call them obsolete. I had an experience a few years back at a repair shop that I worked at . The manager at this shop owned a turbo charged Subaru ( Not sure if the car was Japanese or Korean but who really cares). One day I remember him bragging about how he raced Corvettes with it and would beat them every time. He told me that he was going to put a decal on the back windshield that said "V8 KILLA" I did ride in the car one time and while sitting in the passenger seat it didn't seem all that fast to me when he floored it. My best guess is that he raced a guy in a 1978 Corvette( Which only had 170 hp that year) and beat him and now thinks he has the fastest car around. What's up with the whole I plugged a laptop into my Honda Civic and gained a 100 extra hp crap that I constantly hear from these morons. THEY MAKE ME SICK ! It cost me thousands to make 100 extra hp from a big block mopar engine and they can do it by merely plugging in a lap top and re programing the ECU. Are these guy just full of it ? I smell BS.
Most of those engines do have good cylinder heads on them, and turbocharging is the best way to increase HP hands down.
I don't think you could get 100hp more with just programming, but 50hp more easy. Even from turbodiesels.
I don't think you could get 100hp more with just programming, but 50hp more easy. Even from turbodiesels.
Diesels are a whole different animal keep adding fuel and air until it mechanically fails, no ignition failures, no fuel air ratios to worry about, no detonation, no compression ratio limits, no throttle valve/blow off valves or waste gates. More air more fuel till boom happens on the next build don't go quite as high or build stronger.
My 2cents..... I fell into the the "tuner" crowd for a few years. I was watching the tv show "cops" and they were chasing a 90/91 Plymouth laser non turbo. According to the officer chasing, the car was reaching speeds in excess of 147 mph.(keep in mind this was 15yrs ago and there was only 1 fast and furious movie). At the time I was driving a 94 intrepid. I ended up finding a cheap laser. From that 1st laser I wound up with 9 in total. 3 I built from the ground up (minus the drivetrain). The appeal for me was a 250-300 hp car that could go 160+mph all while getting 25+ mpg. My favorite one was a 91 awd turbo talon. With mild upgrades I got it in the mid 12's and had it over 150mph more than once. Honestly I pissed a lot of " muscle car " guys off from a stop light. Most had no idea about the cars and looked at the four banger with the same arrogance that you mentioned from the tuner guy you met. As the tuner crowd in my area grew so did the arrogance. It turned me off of that scene because I can appreciate all makes foreign and domestic. I've been out for some time and have no intention on going back. Most of the tuners around here are little **** talking disrespectful punks. The engineering that goes into those tuners is respectable......most tuners....aren't. That is all.....
In my opinion the only advantages the Jap cars have compared to American V8s is fuel economy and cost. Displacement will always have the advantage when it comes to the potential to make horsepower. With some the new aftermarket technology that has come out in recent years I don't think big block V8s will become obsolete any time soon.
My 2cents..... I fell into the the "tuner" crowd for a few years. I was watching the tv show "cops" and they were chasing a 90/91 Plymouth laser non turbo. According to the officer chasing, the car was reaching speeds in excess of 147 mph.(keep in mind this was 15yrs ago and there was only 1 fast and furious movie). At the time I was driving a 94 intrepid. I ended up finding a cheap laser. From that 1st laser I wound up with 9 in total. 3 I built from the ground up (minus the drivetrain). The appeal for me was a 250-300 hp car that could go 160+mph all while getting 25+ mpg. My favorite one was a 91 awd turbo talon. With mild upgrades I got it in the mid 12's and had it over 150mph more than once. Honestly I pissed a lot of " muscle car " guys off from a stop light. Most had no idea about the cars and looked at the four banger with the same arrogance that you mentioned from the tuner guy you met. As the tuner crowd in my area grew so did the arrogance. It turned me off of that scene because I can appreciate all makes foreign and domestic. I've been out for some time and have no intention on going back. Most of the tuners around here are little **** talking disrespectful punks. The engineering that goes into those tuners is respectable......most tuners....aren't. That is all.....
I guess the same can be said about the rivalries that go on between the Chevy , Ford and Mopar crowd. I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the low cost. If your young and in your late teens and early twenties building up an old school muscle car is most likely out of your price range so the only alternative would be to modify a small Japanese or foreign import. The point I am trying to make is one of loyalty towards American made products. It's easy to jump on a bandwagon, buy a cheap import and with a few low cost mods run circles around the competition. You do get the best bang for your dollar and with little effort as possible, but in the end you are not overcoming any major obstacles. Its like winning a marathon without actually running the race and then gloating about it afterward. To me the game is more about beating the odds than just winning alone.
I was a 4th generation UAW/GM worker for a minute. I understand loyalty to made in USA. I've never owned a Nissan,Honda,ahchoozu. The talons/lasers/eclipses were built in Illinois by mamopar but the drivetrain did come from Japan. Sheet metal,glass,interior all made here. I lamely took solace in that fact lol.
I had just bought new one of the first C6's to come out of Bowling Green.
Felt like nothing could touch me.
I got spanked badly by a WRX Sti. :wideyed:

Paid top dollar for Space Mountain ride. Guy on Merry go Round whips my ***... :eek:ops:
It seems to me that for a decent period of time our big 3 did nothing but under engineer their products. You can't tell me that the 70's, 80's and 90's weren't plagued with quality issues. There were exceptions to that, but not many. The yapanese during the same period of time were over engeering theirs. For a bit of the 90's their were a few Japanese cars that had factory production long blocks that could handle 500-1100 hp, reliably.
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I'd like to see more of the tuner kids out at the cruise nights. IMHO There's an need to bridge the gap. I can respect a nice nice 300zx and most of the kids like looking at my car. I get the least respect from within the Mopar fraternity.
I've taken my little FWD Plymouth Pickup from 84 HP up to somewhere at if not ah tad over 185 HP and yes now it'z turbo'd. 2300 lbs and I know even without turning the key it'll be somewhere in the mid 12'z come this spring. And with a brake lock on the rearz do yeah think I won't laugh when I fog the whole intersection when I stand on it?
The general consensus is that at anything over 600hp you need to be sonicly checking the block, line bore etc for our old iron, generally considered to be living on borrowed time, it also weighs a butt tonne

Play with both crowds, drop an evo4 motor into your C :poke:
It might go faster? and you can play with your lap top - can anyone else spell ostracization? (I and the spell checker couldn't lol)

Or Put an aftermarket ECU and fuel injection in like a Mega Squirt or Haltech - that will get your extra HP and fuel economy and laptop time!

Before someone rips me a new one - this is a semi humorous reply :)