Valve spring shim ID too large..problems?


New Member
Oct 20, 2013
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Engine guys…I’m shimming my valve springs to attain a set installed height as part of a Lunati cam upgrade which was progressing fine for a second..

My question is..the ID of the shim is slightly larger than the valve guide boss/seat by about 30 thou. 1.500” OD. Should be 1.000” ID is needed but most available are 1.031” ID.

If I was to keep the larger ID would there be any chance the lower part of the spring “walking” side to side with shim not located on the boss. I’ll have 120lb seat and 330lb open load on those shims, would that be enough to “hold” everything in place.
It’s a street cruiser, not strip powerhouse. 383/516 heads.

I’ve had real difficulty finding a supplier for 1,000” ID shims locally downunder strangely. Cheers
Should not be any lateral motion of the shims as the spring opens and closes. If there was, the head-side of the valve spring would show movement, too?
Should not be any lateral motion of the shims as the spring opens and closes. If there was, the head-side of the valve spring would show movement, too?
Agree, which is my concern. But as a street cruiser only, wondering if the .31 difference would be so much of an issue. Still on the search for the correct ID. And finding a shop that may be able to ream a smaller ID to the right size but some are .15 so not sure how that would go even “stacked like quarters”
Thanks for the reply
Isky has a great variety of shims
are you using HP springs or other spring with a dampner?
I would not use undamped springs with a lunati cam
which cam one designed for the larger MOPAR lifter which is good
older ISKY and Comp and most other were just chevy masters not good
Isky has a great variety of shims
are you using HP springs or other spring with a dampner?
I would not use undamped springs with a lunati cam
which cam one designed for the larger MOPAR lifter which is good
older ISKY and Comp and most other were just chevy masters not good
I am using the matched Lunati springs for the cam. Single spring with a dampener.
Yes I saw ISKY have the correct size shim but I haven’t found them stocked in Australia..just mostly cams etc.
worst case, I’ll need to buy them in the USA and wait for shipping..but was hoping to get sorted sooner rather than later.