Video from a cruise in Finand


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 16, 2010
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Idahoan displaced
Correct me if I am wrong across the sea guys. One of you sent me this video from a cruise night. I despise American cars leaving our shores but I am always the first to defend what you do with them .... Apparently you guys are more American than we are..this looks like a well organized and enjoyable get together
I've seen plenty of pics from car events all Mopar and multi makes like this one and am always very impressed at the caliber and sheer numbers of cars as well as how well attended and organized they are. I personally think it would be a blast to take a European tour in the heart of there season and check some of these events out.
El Salvador is a country in Central America, south of Honduras. Salavador is a city in Northern Brazil.

Not referring to the country, but the surrealist artist. Bottom line: bad joke on my apologizes.

If I new how to do it, I'd turn my car picture down there on the bottom into a GIF and have it quickly driving back down a road and out of site,lol.
If I new how to do it, I'd turn my car picture down there on the bottom into a GIF and have it quickly driving back down a road and out of site,lol.
Can't be done. GIF images are usually huge and..
Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 468 by 60 pixels or 9.8 KB (whichever is smaller).
9.8 KB would have to be a very small and simple GIF.

if someone is thinking of visiting Europe do NOT visit power big meet in Sweden. it could be too much for you seeing so much iron that have been shipped over :yaayy:[/QUOTE]

Ya, your not kidding.
if someone is thinking of visiting Europe do NOT visit power big meet in Sweden. it could be too much for you seeing so much iron that have been shipped over :yaayy:

I've got no reason to go, I have it all right here.

if someone from the US will attend power big Meet (Västeras, sweden) they would be wondering how many cars are here. And the huge variety of cars which you do not see on the average show in the US. Last year Västeras had around 20.000 old american cars (including my in a FC7 v-code GTX).

Actually if I am at a US Mopar Show I always wonder were the big Cs are. The amount of full size cars attending is so small. Doesn't matter if its Van nuys, MATS, Columbus or Florida Nats.

The largest collection of C's is by far at Carlisle. Probably the biggest showing in the world, I would bet 300 cars. Tack on more if you want to include earlier "full size" stuff.
I have never been to Carlisle yet as it is usually on the Västeras, sweden weekend which I attend.
I would need to count how many attend the swedish show. Might be less than 300 hundred. But if we would count 57-61 Exner cars........sweden will win dramatically

Yeah Great! I have done close to 140 here in the R/T and the same in the 440 Polara. I have reason to possibly be heading to Idaho in the summer, we'll see what I can do there.

That is impressive. Were the heck were you able to get up to that speed around here? I got a hair past 115 with more to go out on rt. 295 early one morning before backing off it literally because of lack of enough space........and nerve.
I would surmise that you eat a whole lot of pavement very very quickly at 140.
in case you have enough spare time:
here is a 30 minute crusie video from Västeras in the evening.
It is not on the mainfield (daytime) just the cruise in the evening around the cityring
It gives you some kind of impression from the car culture

I have never been to Carlisle yet as it is usually on the Västeras, sweden weekend which I attend.
I would need to count how many attend the swedish show. Might be less than 300 hundred. But if we would count 57-61 Exner cars........sweden will win dramatically


Carsten, you are speaking of C bodies or full size only? I also think the numbers are held down because of so many large events around the Carlisle event. If there was one or two events only I think more people would attend those few.
That is impressive. Were the heck were you able to get up to that speed around here? I got a hair past 115 with more to go out on rt. 295 early one morning before backing off it literally because of lack of enough space........and nerve.
I would surmise that you eat a whole lot of pavement very very quickly at 140.

I have said this before but its fun to talk about. The Challenger I ran out on 55 and 42. I didnt need as much pavement there as I did the Polara. The Polara I have ran out on 295 S below 38 and above 73. Another time on 55 which was on one of my morning cruises
I have said this before but its fun to talk about. The Challenger I ran out on 55 and 42. I didnt need as much pavement there as I did the Polara. The Polara I have ran out on 295 S below 38 and above 73. Another time on 55 which was on one of my morning cruises

Ah yes, that's right....rt.55 has some quite stretches of pavement....Vineland, Malaga, Franklinvile, I forgot about that. The troopers love to hide in the woods between the southbound and northbound lanes. I'll have a go at it the next time I'm out there I think.
Carsten, you are speaking of C bodies or full size only? I also think the numbers are held down because of so many large events around the Carlisle event. If there was one or two events only I think more people would attend those few.

Dave, I am talking C-Bodies. Not Full size. Hard to believe but in sweden the main focus is on the 57-65 cars. The amount of 57-61 Mopars is unbelievable. Really. If you count the 62-73 cars: it could be 300. I will check my 2012 pics and see how many I can count when I have the time.

The "power big meet" has around 17.000 cars attending. See :

I know what you mean. The amount of Mopars in sweden is huge. Higher than in any other european country. Just percentage wise it is small compared to GM and even Ford.

I just counted cars from this years trip for Dave (need new glasses now :)))
I photographed this year in Västeras 273 C-Bodies between 1962-1973.
The total of the photographed by me 1957-1961 Forwardlook cars is 298. So they still seem to have more finned Mopars than regular C-Bodies turning up.

Of course they have a huge amount of A-B-E Bodies, too.
So there might have been 1200-1500 old Mopars in total which have been in Västeras. That is a lot of cars but still less if you think about the fact they had around 17.000 cars attending.
