Voltage Regulator-- Ohm readings with the arm in 3 positions

Project Sketchy

New Member
Oct 11, 2022
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Having charging problems and found that my voltage regulator's upper contacts had welded themselves together. After breaking them loose and cleaning up the contacts, I checked ohm readings between the ING and FLD tabs while holding the regulator's arm in the 3 positions. (trying to hold everything and take pictures was a challenge).
I haven't been able to test it in the car yet, but thought it might be interesting to know if these readings are within functional range.

1st picture is with the arm's contact touching the TOP contact. Reading was .1-2 ohms
2nd picture is with the arm's contact touching the BOTTOM contact. Reading was 10.5 ohms
3rd picture is with the arm's contact IN BETWEEN--not touching either the top or bottom contacts. Reading was 14.7 ohms.



@FURYGT sells electronic voltage regulators that have their guts in an old school housing. Plug n pkay.
I have 2 cars in service with them and super reliable.
Pm him if interested, I highly recommend it.
According to the service manual for '65, the voltage regulator primary purpose is to limit output voltage.
There is a good explanation of how it works but not a chart for expected readings across the various contacts. There are tests you can run but the engine will need to be running. The spring can be moved to adjust voltage so perhaps yours needs an adjustment. That said, you stated contacts were welded together. Any idea what caused that? I think you are looking at the symptom and not the cause. What year vehicle and what kind of charging problems are you having?

Regarding the readings, if you do not have a hard short, I would say that more than likely, the coil/winding is ok. Once in the vehicle and under load, that could change.
The charging system is working again! It is almost certain that the problem was caused by the fused contacts, but it is good to know the ohm readings for the voltage regulator---I hope it helps someone else.

65Port you ask a good question on why the contacts were fused in the first place. The former owners of the car left me with some "creative" wiring that I'm still trying to wrap my head around. Hopefully, this forum can help.

There is a red, 10ga wire that is connected to the + terminal on the battery. That wire (with no fusible link) runs directly through the firewall to the back of a shoddily-installed Chinese, SunPro ammeter mounted below the dash. I discovered that with the key off, this lovely, burn-the-car-to-the-ground-setup is causing a constant 1.6 amp draw. The confusing part is, with this wire disconnected the car is dead....can't even bump the engine via the starter relay. I have to do some more digging, but thinking this setup is somehow energizing the charging system and caused the regulator contacts to fuse. (something like burning your points when you leave the key on without the engine running).