Wagon Girl
New Member
Hey there, has anyone restored a 1967 Town and Country Wagon hard board headliner?
ally found a manufacture for the pressboard headliners for my wagon. After a long afternoon with google I found a reference to a company called R.E.M in Annville, PA, they manufacture restoration parts for various cars. I emailed them to inquire about the pressboard headliners they have for other vehicles to see if I could buy a sheet. Mike Miller responded to my request and said if I sent him a template he would cut them to fit. They showed up today and look great. I will post an update as soon as I get a chance to get them installed and report on fit (and my template making skills). The holes for the visor mounts and dome light are nice clean cuts. Here are the finished sections and a sample of the material. Hope this helps others replace this elusive part.
I bought one of the new headliners from Newstalgia. It's nicely made, I have yet to get it installed. But they are of decent quality and a decent price.
Thanks Markus! I plan to give them a call to discuss installation. I have a 1967 wagon and am not sure how the new headliner would attach. Mine doesn’t have the serrated edge for the fabric to grab.I bought one of the new headliners from Newstalgia. It's nicely made, I have yet to get it installed. But they are of decent quality and a decent price.