Wait a sec...Batwagon For Sale??


Old Man with a Hat
Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
South Jersey
...this is for sale?


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Jer, I hope you get every penny that that car is worth to you.

No Mark, those rams started life in a 300 "K" Coupe. A very rusty but complete "K" down in Zanesville, Oh. that I bought and dragged home in '87 just for the rams, carbz, and headerz. I have a car-bud in Connecticut that getz in a pi**ing contest with me every year at Carlisle about the avaliability of rams on '61 wagonz. FYI, He has a two tone blue '61 'NYT&C that was in building T in 2012 and a '61 Tan Newport the was on the show field last July and suffice to say thats just the start of his fleet. Anyway, after a while of disagreement we both just start laughing and crack ah couple more St. Pauli's. As for the comments and questions, Yes the Batwagon is on the F/S block. The jury is out for now on weather I'll make Carlisle this year, but I'm not abandoning youz guyz. Every damn one of you have become a very important part of my very existance and I hope you all know that. Within this site I've found way more friends then any one man deserves. Aside from that, Jer and Mrs. Jer will be relocating some time this summer to Wilmington N.C. to a condo that has "0" covered or secure parking and our one kid, her husband and their one kid have no desire, want, or need for a 60 year old station wagon! The Beast has and will always be my 2nd love but not theirs. I guess the one advantage in having an only child is that their will be no fist fights over anything I do leave behind. Don't give up on me my friendz, I'm only movin' across the planet a bit and Carlisle iz still well within striking distance, Jer
Jer, our phone calls have been priceless, albeit too short. I'd hate to not have anymore of those.