Wanted! 8 3/4

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Not sure where you're from or if it will work but I have a rear minus the chuck from a '71 Chrysler wagon. Complete, drum to drum, minus the chuck. Do you know what you need for measurement between the spring perches?
How much for the Dana in Cleveland?
i live in nebreska ill have to head down to where my cars stored and take some measurements. A dana should work also... ill have to get the drum to drum measurements ect and perch to perch and let u know. should be 47.3 from everything ive read.
Ah, ok, truck. I didn't remember.
That chart is not gospel, beware, a tape measure is your friend a 66 charger rear is 1.5 inches narrower than a 68 charger the chart lumps this all in 62-70 b body. good info for sure and I tend to believe later cars as disc brakes became standard rear ends got slightly wider to match front track increase FWIW.
I have a complete working 71 New Yorker 8 3/4 from drum to drum if that will work for you. Let me know.


still leaves my scratching my head why they would change their spring perch mounting dimensions
from the earlier body style on the 8.25 rear end. Only think i can think of is a possible wider body and frame. perches measured 47.3 center to center little over 64 inches wide.. those are the dimensions i need.
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