Warning Political - What a slap in the face!

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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What a slap in the face to our Troops! We are fully funding foreign education to some FN slime balls and withholding tuition assistance to our Troops. You would not believe that our government would promise tuition assistance as a ploy to get our guys and gals to enlist and put their lives on the line and then pull it away in an instant and our Troops don't have any recourse or anybody to fight for their benefits!!! Yet the Commander in Chief can give away billions in food stamp abuse and phones to people who for the most part didn't do **** to earn it! What a FN shame!!!

I know what pushes your buttons.
Bob, EVERYTHING about this country is now EFF'd up forever.
Ya......some things are just difficult to withstand.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see any kids go hungry..........or senior citizens either. But dammit, it's time to hold their parents accountable and break this chain of dependacy on the government dime! Mandatory drug testing, community service, GED completion, etc; or no government assistance! Our Troops have to comply to those standards and more!!!!
Sorry. We gotta keep that free dental care for unwed teenagers...
Maddening beyond belief, isn't it?
So you and I deserve the government that we have? I dont think so
I didn't vote for him so no, I damn sure don't deserve it......unfortunately I am stuck with the decision of a million plus two dumb asses who did vote for him.
everyone has a reason and a cause, things have to be cut but it should start with immigration, foreigners and deadbeats.
I'm still extremely pissed about this!!!!


I am sure you are and you should be. The way I see it is the world governments are starting to rule like dictators, but as a group. it may take another hundred years but there is going to have to be a world wide civil war to straighten this mess out
I paid my dues 3 times over.
I got mine.
Good luck and godspeed...
yes I know. You've also said three times.....as if to rub it in, which I KNOW that is not what you mean to do,lol.

I got mine too, in the form of an inheritance, which is better than nothing at all.
I'd prefer that way myself. Unfortunately, ma liked lil sis best.
Good for you. Just don't piss it away, OK? PLEASE?
I'd prefer that way myself. Unfortunately, ma liked lil sis best.
Good for you. Just don't piss it away, OK? PLEASE?
it legally is not mine yet, and it is not a lump sum of money...unless it were to be liquidated...which I cannot do yet. I suppose someday ill have to confront that decision. Hopefully not in the foreseeable future...but reality being what it is...