We have to ride in THAT Thing tonight?


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
That was my wife's response when I didn't get Goldie running Saturday morning. She has come to love the 300, we were going out to eat and then watch a band out in the country, sort of a cruise-in.

This was the response from seeing the car we went out on our first date in, as teenagers. It is fully restored but the problem is it is loud, hot, uncomfortable both in ride and seating and the big deal breaker it tangles messes up her hair (the 300 does not). So much for sentimental and fond memories of my MGB. :)

The 300 is the only car she wants to ride in now and I can't blame her, especially since I agree with her.
Is this a for sale ad for a certain British sports car?
The 300 is the only car she wants to ride in now and I can't blame her, especially since I agree with her.

I hear ya Mike. I've been working on the house a lot this summer and not paying to much attention to the cars. I mentioned going for a ride to a local show in Jazebelle yesterday ...... And I thought Ellie was going to knock me down the stairs getting to the car.
Is this a for sale ad for a certain British sports car?

Being my first car probably not. My dog is obsessed with riding in it, she not allowed to ride in Goldie. It has its moments for me but it needs to be below 80 or it just gets too uncomfortable to ride in. No where for heat to go and the vent sucks.
Diane and I go out every weekend in Missouri and at least once through the week. Yesterday we put over 300 miles on the car and the top was down most of that way. I had to put it up in traffic , after an hour of sitting my forehead was burnt.
Diane and I go out every weekend in Missouri and at least once through the week. Yesterday we put over 300 miles on the car and the top was down most of that way. I had to put it up in traffic , after an hour of sitting my forehead was burnt.

Mrs. Big John loves to ride with the top down. She just wants to know if the top will be down so she can wear the right hat that won't blow off.

She hates the real hot and sticky weather though... and it bothers her physically so I understand. That pushed me to get the A/C working for those days.
Hell, my wife can't wait to get out in one of the Chryslers. I suggest to go for a little ride and she'll pick her '78 or the Imperial any time. Something about a car that floats down the road with the greatest of ease and nearly no effort, just makes for a pleasant drive. I'm happy that she thinks that way, too!
Ellie's definitely a top down kind of girl.......

Great shot, all the way around. Where is the doughnut wall Will? This would be a great back ground for some of you guys restoring your cop cars. :)